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Looking for a SQLite map viewer for Windows PC

mrthom1 shared this question 11 years ago

Hello, I create my SQLite maps for Locus Pro with Mobile Atlas Creator (MOBAC). Have a lot of them so I save them on a PC for later loading to the SD_card.

Unfortunately MOBAC does not have the ability to view previously created maps.

Does anyone know of a viewer for existing SQLite Maps on a Windows PC or on-line?



Replies (17)



I think that MOBAC is able to create SQLite maps so it should be also able to display them. I do not have experience with this, but maybe someone from community skilled with this tool?


Hello, Thanks for the assistance.

I have previously attempted to use the info as indicated by "gynta".

Unfortunately the line

"<!-- File path to SQLite atlas file -->


requires I write a unique XML file, for each of the multitude of maps that I have created, directed to the specific map file.

I tried writing to the folder where the maps exist hoping for a list to choose from, but that did not work.

I know this is forum is for Locus not MOBAC, so that I why I was hoping someone had found a generic viewer that would show the map listings.



Hmm I can`t help here with this but I have another question :).

What is purpose of this, why you need it? Because if you use and like Locus, then I think, best way is to use Locus also on PC is quite well working emulator (there is more then one). Then you should use all features you have on your device in Locus, also on PC. So SQLite maps mainly ...

Suggest to check at least this one - . Most easy to run and perfectly working.



I tried writing to the folder where the maps exist hoping for a list to choose from, but that did not work.

What means "...that did not work..."?

I have just tried it with three maps yet:


Hello gynta , exactly what I am looking for. What line of code did you use to get three files to show in your Map Source box?

If I use the example, MOBAC is directed to one specific file.

That XML file name is what appears in my MOBAC Map Source box.

My sourceFile is

C:MapsMobile Atlas Creator OutputsLocus1A-Cottonwood Canyon-Locus.sqlitedb

I do not know how to write a line of code for the

source folder

C:MapsMobile Atlas Creator OutputsLocus

I know just enough to get into trouble


Not enough to get out.....




Menion, thanks for the suggestion.

I removed BlueStacks quite a while back as there was no method to access files on the PC hard drive. Apparently there is still no method to load files on the PC into Locus.

BlueStacks settings now has a "mount USB" option but , at least on my PC, it does not recognize a thumb-drive in any of the USB ports.




you need more .xml files


1. copy your LocusMap 00_MyMap.slqlitedb to D:MyFOLDER

2. copy your LocusMap 01_MyMap.slqlitedb to D:MyFOLDER

3. copy your LocusMap 02_MyMap.slqlitedb to D:MyFOLDER

4. create a xml file like this picture (filename not importand)

5. duplicate this xml 2 times (filenames are not importand)

6. edit the copied files (see green areas in picture 02_MyMap, 03_MyMap,...)

7. copy 3 xml files to MOBACs mapsources

8. start MOBAC

9. have fun


Hello gynta. Thank you for your assistance and patience in explaining this to me.

Much appreciated.

Each of the 50+ maps I have, must have a its own specific XML file.

Exactly the reason I was looking for a file viewer so I would not to do that.



Ok, so

you still do not wrote us, why you need it ..

I`m anyway back to bluestack, check this , maybe this should be useful.


Menion (Official Rep) 2 hours ago wrote:

"Ok, so you still do not wrote us, why you need it ."

I have a multitude of maps for off-line use(50+). I keep as few maps on the card (32g) as necessary and use the space for other information. To check if the map covers the area I plan to hike in, I have to copy it to the external_SD card and view in Locus. Why cut a new map if I do not have to? The quickest transfer method is to put the card in a reader mounted on the PC, as the maps are high zoom levels and thus quite large.

I prefer to limit the amount of physical card manipulation as little as possible. It has been my past experience that a lot of card manipulation can cause the card to become corrupted or completely fail or cause problems with the phone mounting connector.

It would be much more efficient, easier and safer to have a viewer to view the maps on the PC.

Thanks for the BlueStacks information , will give it a try.




don`t like bluestacks. so I recommend VirtualBox from

you need

- VirtualBox platform package

- VirtualBox 4.3.6 Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack

and a Android image

- eg androVM_vbox86t_4.1.1_r6.1-20130222-gapps-houdini-flash.ova

from here:


Hello, Menion and gynta.

Thank you both for our assistance, Another reason to use Locus. The link that Menion gave me did the trick. BlueStacks now uses a "SharedFolder " that is accessible on the hardrive.

Can actually just drag and drop the map files to BlueStacks and they are placed in that folder.

Just point the locus off-line maps to that and it works perfectly.

Best Regards,



perfect, good to hear.

gynta: I also prefer VirtualBox solution, but Bluestack is just ... simple.


HelloOld subject, but if anyone is still interested, MOBAC does read the maps that are created by MOBAC. If anybody ask I will give the details.

An other option is GMAPCatcher, a rather good Windows and Linux map downloader and viewer that can read the Locus SQLite maps (view them as RMaps in GMapCatcher).

And Bluestacks seems to be getting better and better (works very well with Locus 3.19 on my old dual core desktop with the basic graphic card incorporated in the main board)


I do not see the viewing or arbitrary sqlite maps in the 8.0.5 version.

What did I miss ?



Hello Michael

I guess you are referring to GMapCatcher.

To view the SQLite files created by Locus (or MOBAC using the RMaps atlas option):

- Copy the SQlite file to a directory (name it with something that will remind you what map is there)

- Rename the file "tile-Map.sqlitedb" (this is why your directory name must make sense for you)

- In GMapCatcher, Settings, Custom Map Directory, select RMaps, point to your directory.

There must be only one SQlite file per directory, therefore one directory with a meaningful name by map.

If you don't want to have several directories for adjacent maps and be obliged to select each time the file from GMapCatcher settings, you can merge several SQlite files. For exemple if you have two adjacent Satellite imagery files from Locus (not a problem in Locus as you can put them in the same Android directory) and you want to see the whole area covered by these 2 maps in GMapCatcher without changing the settings, you can merge them with tile duplication removal using for exemple SQLite2009. If you are interested, let me know, I will post the instructions here. If you can read French, please let me know, so I will not have to translate the instructions that I wrote for myself.

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