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[DE] Locus als Motorradnavi
Ich nutzte jetzt die App zum Motorradfahren mit Kopplung zum Helm für die Sprachansagen. Da das Tool zum Ändern von geplanten Routen in locus nicht geeignet ist mache ich die Planung noch in Basecamp. Die importierte Route funktioniert dann super in locus bis auf einen Umstand: es wird jede Änderung des Strassenverlaufes angesagt, die Einstellung für die Details der Ansage in locus hat darauf keinen Einfluß. Gibt es noch andere Möglichkeiten die Ansagen auf reines Abbiegen zu beschränken?
Wenn die Route mit locus geplant wurde wird der Strassenverlauf nicht angesagt, so sollte es sein.
Und noch eine Bitte: wenn man gespeicherte Routen auf die gleiche Weise ändern kann wie man sie erstellt hat bekommt ihr 1000 Sterne!
[EN] Basecamp design 》export to the .gdb file format ! 》 Import .gdb file into JavawaRtwtool and convert into .tcx file 》 Import .tcx file into Locus and start Navigate.
[EN] Basecamp design 》export to the .gdb file format ! 》 Import .gdb file into JavawaRtwtool and convert into .tcx file 》 Import .tcx file into Locus and start Navigate.
Hallo Gerald,
Ich denke, dass Sie Route in Locus als GPX-Datei importieren. Sie haben versucht, es wahrscheinlich aber würden Sie bitte sicherstellen, dass:
Menü> Einstellungen> Navigation> Erweiterte Einstellungen> Anzahl der Befehle ist auf "LOW"?
Sie können die Route direkt in Locus bearbeiten, aber Sie müssen Position für bestimmte Punkte zu ändern - siehe
Freundliche Grüße
-- EN --
Hello Gerald,
I guess that you import route into Locus as GPX file. You probably tried it but would you please check that:
Menu > Settings > Navigation > Advanced settings > Number of Commands is set to "LOW" ?
You can edit the route directly in Locus but you need to change position for particular points - please see
Best regards
Hallo Gerald,
Ich denke, dass Sie Route in Locus als GPX-Datei importieren. Sie haben versucht, es wahrscheinlich aber würden Sie bitte sicherstellen, dass:
Menü> Einstellungen> Navigation> Erweiterte Einstellungen> Anzahl der Befehle ist auf "LOW"?
Sie können die Route direkt in Locus bearbeiten, aber Sie müssen Position für bestimmte Punkte zu ändern - siehe
Freundliche Grüße
-- EN --
Hello Gerald,
I guess that you import route into Locus as GPX file. You probably tried it but would you please check that:
Menu > Settings > Navigation > Advanced settings > Number of Commands is set to "LOW" ?
You can edit the route directly in Locus but you need to change position for particular points - please see
Best regards
Hi Petr,
Yes I have tried this but there is no change in the behavior. I will try the converting with javawa tool and see what's happening.
Hi Petr,
Yes I have tried this but there is no change in the behavior. I will try the converting with javawa tool and see what's happening.
Hello Gerald,
Would you please send me or share the source GPX file?
Thank you
Hello Gerald,
Would you please send me or share the source GPX file?
Thank you
Hi Petr,
I have created this in base camp.
Hi Petr,
I have created this in base camp.
Good day Gerald,
what wrote Petr in last answer is correct. There is no issue at all.
As said, Locus generated commands for navigation by shape of imported track, not based on real situation. This "generator" is used in case of import GPX/KML track, that has no navigation commands attached.
For a real navigation with expected commands, suggesed is to use Locus build-in route creator or directly "Navigate to" function. In both cases, check if your have selected "MapQuest" as compute source in menu > settings > navigation > source, or you may give a try to BRouter source, which is full featured offline source for Locus.
Hope this helps You. If you will have additional questions, feel free to ask.
Good day Gerald,
what wrote Petr in last answer is correct. There is no issue at all.
As said, Locus generated commands for navigation by shape of imported track, not based on real situation. This "generator" is used in case of import GPX/KML track, that has no navigation commands attached.
For a real navigation with expected commands, suggesed is to use Locus build-in route creator or directly "Navigate to" function. In both cases, check if your have selected "MapQuest" as compute source in menu > settings > navigation > source, or you may give a try to BRouter source, which is full featured offline source for Locus.
Hope this helps You. If you will have additional questions, feel free to ask.
Thank you for this Information.
I have used the app for navigation in Trentino Italy with the build in router and it worked fine. But is there any possibility to recalculate an imported route with one of the build in route engine? This could help to reduce the amount of announcements.
Thank you for this Information.
I have used the app for navigation in Trentino Italy with the build in router and it worked fine. But is there any possibility to recalculate an imported route with one of the build in route engine? This could help to reduce the amount of announcements.
You are welcome. Such feature is not implemented in Locus Map. I can imagine using "Add new route" function together with BRouter offline routing engine and manually create a route that will follow interesting points along your imported route.
Creating a toll that will convert imported GPX into perfect route with correct navigation commands may be really complicated task and actually it is not planned. Thank you for understanding.
You are welcome. Such feature is not implemented in Locus Map. I can imagine using "Add new route" function together with BRouter offline routing engine and manually create a route that will follow interesting points along your imported route.
Creating a toll that will convert imported GPX into perfect route with correct navigation commands may be really complicated task and actually it is not planned. Thank you for understanding.
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