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Managing list of map folders

Agustin Lobo shared this question 9 years ago

I can see how to add a folder for maps, but is there any way to remove

a given folder from the list? I do not mean removing and deleting the maps, of course,

just not having that folder in the list of available maps. I've looked

at the configuration file but do not see anything related to the directories.

(the reason I'm asking is because I added a folder with maps that happen to be all incompatible

with Locus and I'm tired of seeing the error messages every time I start up Locus)


Replies (8)


Hi Agustin,

the only way how to remove unwanted folder from the map manager is to copy its contents to some other folder and remove the individual maps it contains from Locus (Map manager > offline > folder> map > map menu > remove)



Unless I'm not finding the correct menu, maps producing error messages at start up are not listed, thus cannot be deleted.

I'm using the maps icon on top left, then select offline. The culprit folder is even not listed there, but a list of erroneous maps

from that folder is listed in a long message of errors upon starting Locus Pro

What I've have had to do is to rename the folder with the OS.

Anyway, having to really delete files or rename folders to remove maps or folders from the list of available maps for Locus

is really a bad procedure, you should change that in a future version.



Hi Agustin,

Locus enables removing maps, not whole folders, from its map manager - when you remove all maps from the folder, the folder is no longer listed in Locus. The procedure of transferring maps for backup and removing unwanted folders must be done in a system file browser. If this doesn't help, please provide us with screenshots of your issue.


This is the list of error messages:

Note folder compe_Maps

This is the list of folder maps:

Note compe_Maps is not listed because all maps are incompatible

Also, you must understand that the problem is not that I want to delete the folder or the maps. I just want

to avoid those maps from being available to Locus. Requiring the user to delete the maps or the folder to get Locus not to use them does not make any sense. If you have a button to mark an existing folder or map as available to Locus, you must provide a button to just mark it as not available.


tap the blue + button in the bottom right corner and select "Add external maps". A list of your personal folders appears, tap context menu of the folder you want to remove and tap "remove". This should solve your problem. Anyway, you're right, we'll have to think about some other solution


Solved! And actually the compe_Maps folder has not been deleted from disk




Mám podobný problém jak Augustin. Přidal jsem do externích map složku s mapami Smartmaps Mimo dvou automap mi program pro všechny ostatní Smartmaps mapy hlásí "Problém s přidáním map" Chyba: Mapa není aktivována. V programu Smartmaps Navigator vše funguje OK. Odstranil jsem složku Smartmaps ze seznamu externích map, avšak chybové hlášení při startu programu zůstává, v seznamu složek s externími mapami složku Smartmaps již nevidím.


Dobrý den Tomáši,

Smartmapy se do Locusu "přidávají" jinak než jako "externí" mapy. Postup máte v popisu Smartmapy v Locus obchodě:

1) Nainstalujete aplikaci Smartmaps z Google Play

2) v e-shopu Smartmaps vyberete požadované mapy

3) nahrajete mapy do vašeho telefonu(tabletu) - postup je uveden při dodání map

4) spustíte aplikaci Smartmaps a provedete aktivacimap

5) spustíte aplikaci Locus a Smartmapy budou automaticky dostupné ve složce Mapy > Offline

Ve vašem případě zřejmě zůstaly nějaké relikty v dočasné paměti, zkuste tedy přes menu >nastavení > různé > vymazat dočasná data.

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