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Map auto-load is not working with img maps.

ivo Nörenberg shared this problem 10 years ago
Not a Problem

Map auto-load is not working with img maps.

I set the "Quick switch button" to "Out of map" but the switch is not showing up when there is no map. Shouldn't it pop up when there is no map?

Replies (1)


Good day Ivo,

quite old topic without an reply. Sorry for this. As you probably saw last months, there were no big progress in usability of Garmin IMG maps and I'm not sure, if this will change in a future. Anyway all tasks that needs to know correct area coverage of maps (like auto-loading, out of map quick button, etc.), fails in case of Garmin maps, where this coverage is not perfectly know.

So currently it is not and issue, but an (probably undocumented) limitation of these partially supported maps.

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