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Map Import Problem

Frank Heinen shared this problem 10 years ago

Hallo Locusers, since a few Days i have Problems to Import Maps from external SD Card. The Massage is: "There is a Problem to Import Maps" I want to include some Screenshots, but could not see any Buttons oder here! ?

Samsung S4 / Android 4.4 / Locus Pro

Replies (8)



Firstly I'd like to note that there are some limitation on Android 4.4 KitKat. Please see article

Anyway you can still add map from SDcard manually - please see point C in mentioned article. (I expect that you're on the latest 3.0.2 version)

You can attach screenshot like file or like URL


@ Petr

I hear(read) this message also in other forum but I can't reproduce - because i have no Kitkat OS.

Try with KitKat and last Pro:

- Create dir on extSD

- Move some vectormaps to this folder

- Start Locus

- Add this dir to vector maps

What happens?


I will try to attach a Screenshot.


Petr Voldan wrote:


Firstly I'd like to note that there are some limitation on Android 4.4 KitKat. Please see article

Anyway you can still add map from SDcard manually - please see point C in mentioned article. (I expect that you're on the latest 3.0.2 version)

You can attach screenshot like file or like URL

Thx Petr, i'll try with your idea.


Just for clarification (I run 4.3 so its not a issue for me....not yet anyway, I would like to understand the issue better for when/if I update eventually)

If I update to 4.4 - Updating maps / adding extra areas to existing map files / Creating new maps which are stored on the external SDcard wont work at all?....ever?

Copying these files to internal memory just to be able to update maps, and then moving them back to the external card again once the map files are updated isnt a option due to map sizes for me - its not even close with only 16gig of internal memory and lots of other apps already installed (it would also be a ongoing issue every month for me when I go out camping new areas with no phone signal so maps have to be pre-downloaded regularly....directly to the external memory card due space constraints)

I assume that means If I update to 4.4 eventually, locus will become "crippled" to the point its no longer really a option to use it anymore in my case?

In that link you put in, it says it doesnt affect "new users" Would completely uninstalling locus, then reinstalling locus fix the issue so you can customize map files stored on the external card directly? (maybe its a work around?)

I can see this issue leading to people demanding refunds or just moving onto another app which doesnt have this issue to be honest. Its a huge issue for people like me if Im understanding it correctly

Damn google, why did they have to screw around with a system that was working good already for everybody. I assume Locus isnt the only app affected.

PS if all of the above is true - I wont be demanding a refund hahahhaha ....I definatly got my 10bucks worth out of Locus already - but it would mean I would have to find another replacement app which can actually access/modify the SDcard maps directly


You're right map stored on SDcard on Android 4.4 is not able to update or to extend some areas. You need to move map on internal storage if you want to perform some changes.

The sentence "doesn't affect new users" means that Locus automatically create working directory in internal memory so users don't face the issue that Locus is not able write to the working dir. So this is not workaround. If you un-install Locus then your maps will remain on not writable SDcard.

Anyway there is workaround in the latest 3.1.x Locus version. In Menu > Settings > Miscellaneous > "Set root directory" you can choose folder : /sdcard/Android/data/ Locus is able to import map into this folder (import via Locus) and use is as standar working dir. But if you un-install Locus then all data/maps stored in this folder will be removed.


Thanks for the info Petr - thats not a bad workaround I guess :)

Curious though - Would the maps and data be wiped from that root directory when Locus gets updates through Google Play store?


Standard update does not remove data from root directory. Maps are wiped only when you manually uninstall Locus app.

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