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Map Items: keep them after app is closed

Ricardo Borges de Freitas shared this idea 7 years ago

I solely use Map Items since I don`t like the structure of the Locus internal database. I prefer how KML files handle folders and sub folders (but this is another topic)

I know Map Items are stored in temporary memory, but I wish the ability to Locus keep the data after the app is closed. Opening them again and again is quite boring :-)

Replies (7)



hľadám práve dôvod prečo nakalibrované mapy a iné mapové položky neviem nájsť v "aktívnych položkách" bez toho aby som ich musel hľadať cez správcu súborov a zrejme som našiel príčinu v autorovom príspevku.

Alebo je ešte možnosť, že je chyba v medzikuse :)

Za radu vopred vďaka.


Vyriešené asi!

Aktívne položky v ľavom menu a mapové položky v hlavnom menu s rovnakou ikonou ponúkajú iný obsah v istom zmysle ale tým pádom odpadá aspoň externý správca súborov.

Trvalé zobrazenie ponúka "import" :)


@el parapente: v případě dotazů v jiném jazyku, nebo obecně v případě dotazů které nejsou ještě jednoznačně zodpovězeny, prosím vytvořte samostatné vlákno, děkuji.


Pardón, neštudoval som pravidlá.

Ale vďaka za odpoveď na pôvodný príspevok. Aj tak som žil v omyle nakoniec.


Hello Ricardo,

system of "map items" is mainly based on really simple concept. Structure of directories in "Locus/mapItems" directory is visible in function menu > more > Map items. Everything to load to map should remain visible after you close and reopen application. It does not work for you?

I may also suggest to look into our manual here: , where I believe is wrote most of needed information.


Hello Menion,

Thank you for your reply but I think I was not clear in my post. I understand the behavior and system of Map Items. Actually, my wish is the ability to Locus keep the data on the map (main screen) after the app is closed, not just available in the list of the Map Item screen.

Got it?



hmm nope :).

I'll describe steps how it should work and you tell me if same happen to you.

  • open app and open menu > more > Map items screen
  • here move to required directory and here should be some for example GPX file
  • so tap on eye symbol that load item on the map and return to the map
  • now you may see item loaded on map, fine.
  • double tap back button and wait at least five seconds. During that time, Locus check which "map items" were enabled and store list of enabled items
  • after a while, open Locus Map. During start, app check previously stored list and try to reload previously visible items back to map, so after a moment, everything should be in exact same state like it was when you closed app before.

Hope you undestand my description.


Yes, you are correct. My mistake, sorry!


Oki, perfect, so idea is already implemented.

If there will be any more questions related to this task, feel free to continue in this topic.



The list of visible map items is rarely being reset. I however don't know the circumstances.

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