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Map Themes in Quick Settings

Alexej Steblin shared this problem 5 years ago
Not a Problem


After the update from 3.37.2 to 3.38.4 I'm missing Map Themes item in the Quick Settings. Is it a bug or a deliberate change?

I'm aware about other possibilities to access Map Themes, e.g. by adding the respective icon to a panel directly but I don't use the right panel, neither the left (content) panel in order to maximize the visible map area, and my top panel is already full.

So the Quick Settings (which I have on the top panel) is the perfect place for Map Themes IMHO.

Is there a chance to get it back there?

Replies (2)


Hi Alexej,

this is correct. Because the option to change map themes is available over

  • side panel map content (main place for a change of themes)
  • the blue small button directly in the left panel
  • Presets system
  • "Map themes" directly in functions panel (edit based on discussion below)

we removed Map themes from Quick Settings also because it is not the same settings as others. Please use any other option to change themes. Thanks.



Thank you Michal, I got it.

Actually I knew but completely forgot that the top six items in the main menu are customizable. Now I've added Map Themes there - it works fine for me. Thanks again!

best regards,Alexej


I also miss Map Themes in Quick Settings

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