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Map updates returns "no data" instead of maps list after update to 3.18.4

Jack Bunce shared this problem 8 years ago
Not a Problem

Maps bought from Locus store within the last few weeks and months. Before update to 3.18.4 when I selected "Check for updates" I would see a list of my Locus store maps and whether or not they were up to date. Now I just get "no data" returned. The purchased maps show in "My history" and the actual maps are available for use in the app. My phone is an LG V10 running 6.0 with 64GB of phone memory and a 64 GB SD card which has the working directory /storage/5577-6464/Android/data/

Replies (7)


Good day Jack,

interesting issue. This "Check for updates" is terribly slow feature that definitely needs an update. Anyway it should work and as I test it now with latest version, it indeed works.

May you please try it once more, to eliminate some server side problems? Thank you.

If problem remains, I'll be able to check it more precisely at Monday, when my collage Petr will be at office.


Hello Menion,

Thanks for the quick response.

I have just tried it again and the problem remains. I also purchased a new map and tried it again thereafter with the same results. I am not certain that this started with 3.18.4 because I do not remember the version it last worked on but it was within a few weeks.

The "No data" response is almost immediate; occurring within a second or two.


Hello Jack,

are some downloaded LoMaps correctly marked as "downloaded"? Anyway may you please attach me here file "/Locus/data/config/config.db" (you will probably have to pack it to zip file to attach it here). In this file are stored information about downloaded files, so I'll check it on my own if all is correct.

Just please keep in mind, that when Locus download some map on certain place, it is needed to keep this map on downloaded place. If you move your map on different place and add it later in map manager as external map, Locus no more recognize that this map is downloaded. Anyway possible updates should be offered still. Mentioned file should show me where is a problem. Thank you.


If I look at the LoMaps in the Locus Store on the device the maps I have purchased and downloaded have a green checkmark in the upper right hand corner of their store listing. The maps have not been moved after being downloaded as far as I can remember but it could be possible because I reconfigured a while back to use the external SD card. Certainly the map purchased and downloaded today has not been. Checked the file dates on the downloaded maps and they were all 6 July 2016 except for today's download.


Good day Jack,

thank you for a database. From my point of view, all seems to be correct. Locus has registered in database 12 downloaded maps ( West Virginia, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, New York, Massachusetts, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho and Utah ) and ALL! maps are downloaded in latest version from April/2016.

I'm also checking your account in Locus Store and you really have purchased only these 12 maps ( when only Connecticut was updated from older version ), but all maps are purchased in latest April version.

So, I believe all is correct. You may check any LoMaps manually, but there should nowhere be visible an "Update" button.



thank you for the time and effort you have expended on this.


You are welcome of course. Hope, that my answer makes sense and all is correct. Otherwise feel free to write/ask, I'll gladly try to help.

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