Mark a section of a track and get statistics for it

Tirfo shared this idea 9 years ago
In Progress


I would like to suggest an option to define a section of a track in order to obain the statistics for this track segment (ie distance, meters up/down). This could be done by picking begin/end postitions either in map view only, or also in chart. I find this very useful for eg planning of day stages or breaks on a long track.


Replies (16)


I like this idea. This is what I missing most.

It can be used when I plan a bike trip in unknown terrain, I simply select difficult interesting parts to compute length of upward slope, average inclination. Now I must calculate in my mind by comparing altitude and length of upward slope.

Also I can use it after trip to analyze different parts of route. Select part and simply slide left to Statistics tab, where I can see recalculated numbers related to selection.

Another small improvement I'd like to see in graph is percent of slope inclination. This number helps a lot, because altitude in graph is relative and absolute number give me more information about difficulty of slope.

This numbers I miss also in Statistics tab - Average Inclination in %, Average declination in %, .



Support this nice idea.

Somewhere in the deepness of the forum there is a similar idea. Can not find it.


nor do I :)


Absolutely agreed, and very much needed! Any GPS unit has this functionality (although unfortunately not as complete as Arpad is proposing)

Just a couple of terminology clarifications, in the hope that the will aide implementation :-)

- I would assume that for "waypoint" here we intend those points (they don't seem to have any special name, just "points") that you can add to the track from the recording panel using the "add new point" button, and that are thus part of the track (a normal waypoint as intended for a route will probably not lay exactly on a track and will make the definition difficult).

- It then comes natural that for "track section" here we intend a part of a track in between two of such points (in fact, I'm not aware that in Locus it does exist an "official" concept of "track section").

Also, I don't know what is higher than a demigod without going all the way to god, but I would add one additional feature: in the "laps" screen, beside the selection of the predefined or custom lap distance, you could add "use waypoints", so that the summary statistics for all the laps would be computed not a regular intervals, but for all track section between adjacent "waypoints" (in the sense clarified above).

For a more detailed explanation of a case study in support of this case, see also my post on the forum (;topicseen#new).


For : "Improved chart tab in track"

Now I can have two points in my chart, which is fine.

Can I also display delta values between this two points? ( eg. distance or elevation gain up)



Great ideas all. I would go one step further :

I am looking for a feature that will give me the same functionality as an old Garmin 305 which was my mainstay in times past. That allowed me to set waypoints along a route that would act as trip points whenever I was riding the route. So I’d get the stats for each leg of the ride (waypoint to waypoint), real time, based on each waypoint creating the trip mark as I rode past it.

The other function it had was it would save your personal best and do a constant real time comparison of your current stats with that ride history so you were riding against your virtual cyclist-self if you so wished. These functions were great as I am often riding the same or similar routes repeatedly.

If this is already embedded in the app and I've missed it please advise. If not, please consider it for future versions.


I'd love to see this function: Tap a track point on the map and in the upcoming dialog find "set as selection start" or "set as selection end". Same in the track dialog with chart/diagram, and there, the selection is shomehow highlighted (e.g. darker or brighter background than the rest of the chart).

Idea is related to - there, it's more about infos within the graph.


I often find myself wanting this feature! Especially to analyze a part of the track that I'm still recording.

e.g. when I review the track at a break during the hike and want to know how much elevation I gained between point A and point B.

I would love to see this feature!!!


Hi guys, I have realized that this idea and two other ideas with a quite similar objective (“Statistics for segments on a track – statistical data between two arbitrary waypoints on a track“ and “On the graph screen, select a part of the graph and show measurements over that selection”) together have 48 votes as of today: 9th most wanted feature of all times! Any chance you are planning on implementing this long desired feature in the near future? ;)


Good day Tirfo, which ideas? Best should be to merge them.

And changes ... sure, there is always a chance :)


Hi, the ideas I was talking about were “Statistics for segments on a track – statistical data between two arbitrary waypoints on a track“ and “On the graph screen, select a part of the graph and show measurements over that selection”. As I wrote. ;)


Good day guys,

sorry for a small mess and extra emails you probably received (notification on changes in this topic). Thanks to Tirfo and smintman discovery, I merged two same topics into this one.

40 votes now ... sounds like there exists people really interested in this feature :).


Statistics for segments on a track – statistical data between two arbitrary waypoints on a track

It would be great to have an additional row with 3 buttons on a track statistics screen:

All – Left arrow – Right arrow

Clicking on the arrows would get you to the next or previous section of the track if there are any waypoints on it, and would display the statistics for that segment.

In case displaying statistics for a segment only, the screen should display the name of the two waypoints at the start and end of the selected segment.

If you would make a solution as close to the ideal state as possible, then it would be possible to select the beginning point of the segment and the ending waypoint, and the two waypoints wouldn’t be necessarily adjacent to each other.

If you would be an ace, you would make it possible to select the two waypoints on the graph with two-finger pinch.

If you would be a demigod, you would make it possible to easily select any two waypoints for statistical data display: when selecting on the graph, the selection lines would cling/jump to waypoints. However, with dragging it would be possible to select ANY two ordinary trackpoints on the track – not just waypoints.

Remark to @Menion


The way this help system works is not ideal regarding merging of topics; after merging my topic into this one, my original post is lost, and I assume all the other posts from other members, with every idea and suggestion.

This is very bad.

Above I have pasted my original post, but this should be automatic.


@Arpad, please don't complain on my back, try it already here: . I was already trying. (we are not developers of this help desk system).


It could look the way it's done on the elevation profile in GoogleEarth.



I have recently been planning a tour of 250 km in locus and brouter since my desktop planning tool was not available. It worked surprisingly smooth! The only thing I realized was somewhat problematic was when I wanted to split the track into daily stages. I had to play around a little to find the best distribution of distance and uphill for each day, and it was really inconvenient having to do all the calculations for distance and uphill by hand again and again using the pop-up information only.

I thought it would be great to be able to split the track into (temporary and variable) stages and get stage statistics, either in the statistics tab or as multiple popups on the map. A track split into stages would also allow for displaying information such as "distance and uphill to go in this stage". This is also related to some other topics (although with a slightly diffrent intent): "Partial targets for navi/guiding", "Distance to each top of hill", "Distance to a highest/lowest point of a previously recorded track or a part of it". And of course it would more or less cover my most wanted feature "Mark a section of a track and get statistics for it" ;)

Any chance we are getting this soon?


Good day Tirfo,

we are currently changing existing feature to edit and plan tracks and this improvements in planned part of this change. So I believe in one of future updates ( during this year on 99% ), this feature will be implemented. "Stay tuned" :).


Thanks Menion, that is great news! If it helps I'd even volunteer for alpha-beta testing.


Hi guys,

who wants, check latest (yesterday released) Beta version, where under track detail > bottom tools menu > Analyze , was added "small" tool based on new "Track editor" screen, that allows to select part of track and get statistics for it. Hope you find it useful.


Hi Menion

Thank you so much for going about this! Already the beta version looks very promising.

After playing around with it I have two suggestions:

-I would love to have the „Analyze“ function in the tap-track-pop-up (along with „Modify track“ and „Route planner“). It just takes so many clicks to get there now.

-For me it would make a lot of sense to have a segment summary pop-up after the second track point is selected. This would allow to quickly asses the most relevant features of a segment: distance, meters up, meters down

Just a comment: The pen symbol to select the end point of the fragment is a little misleading.



I like Tirfo's suggestions too.


Hello Tirfo,

what should I imagine under "Segment summary"?

Placement of icon & icon on popup itself are something I have to more think about, but thanks for suggestions.


Hello Menion: Just like the pop-up that indicates point number, distance in track, distance to go on track, meters to go up... when you select the end point of the segment (similar pop up for track points outside "analyze" mode), there could be a pop up that indicates the analyzed segment's distance, segment meters up, segment meters down, and maybe also segment maximum/minimum altitude. This would be very useful the quickly assess how demanding this segement is.


Hello Menion: Well done! Your solution is even better than a pop-up. The analyzer in the beta is a very useful tool. I have been thinking about how to access it: would it make sense to add it as a function in the right sidebar? I have put the route planner there and it is very convenient...


Perfect, glad to hear.

I'm still not sure about exact placement, I'll think about it over weekend. Right panel is not an solution, because this is function connected to a single track, not a global function. So options are to small popup directly on map, a step higher in details screen of track, place where it is now and fourth option is somewhere to "Statistics" tab.


I would prefer to add it to the track popup, so it can also be disabled with the popup customization in the settings. That should be the best solution for everyone (quick access or "not needed").


Hello Menion and everybody else.

I saw the analyser and I think it is a very general tool that is very useful.

Unfortunately for me, when I thought at it at the beginning, the aim was to have a fast way to calculate the average grade of a rough uphill section where the grade in the graph could have been misleading. So I thought that the selection of the segment would have been in the graph page with the average of the displayed dimensions in a label (see for example

Now I recognize that the actual tool could be more versatile, and I can live selecting the section on the map and not on the graph, but there is no way to have the calculation of the average grade, even in the dashboard test !

Do I miss anything? Do you think this is something useful that should be implemented?


Hello Matteo,

does it really make sense to display single value as an average grade for selected segment? Such value may be useful in case, you really select just an uphill part, but in all other cases, it may be useless value.

I can imagine, that a lot more useful should be option to change chart from distance/elevation to distance/grade at bottom of screen. Anyway same effect may be achieved already with chart visible in detail screen of selection (after tap on confirmation button in top panel). Chart with visible grade does not cover your needs?


I normally start from the chart and here I have a typical situation of wobbling gradient on a section. Since on bike the effort is correlated with the maximum and average gradient here I have a clear indication of the maximum only.

If I go back to "analyze", to the map where I select the section and again in the chart the info I have are almost the same.

I admit that my needs could be peculiar and I don't want you to develop on my needs, but a compromise could be have average gradient down hill and uphill in the elevation section of the statistics page.

As soon I open my pc I can edit the post to make the reference to the screeshots clearer

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