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Max speed faster under statistics than on chart

MIke Gracz shared this question 9 years ago

Why is the max speed shown under statistics a little faster than any value on the chart? (E.g. Skiing 41.1 km/hr vs 35.6).

Replies (7)


Good day Mike,

you found a small inconsistency in Locus statistics. Fact is that some values are post-processed - optimized, where some aren't. In case of maximal speed, it is original value measured by your GPS unit in device. Charts on second side, display little bit optimized values (averaged), so max and min values are cut little bit.

Is my answer clear? Solution on this should be display of max. speed also as filtered value. On second side, when you then find on a map point with this max speed, there will still be unfiltered value.



Thanks. I wonder how much optimized? Is optimization dependent on the frequency that points are recorded? In other words if I recorded a point every meter instead of every 2 meters, who the max speed on the chart change?Thanks, this is a great app!!


On Jan 3, 2016, at 10:17 PM, Locus Map <> wrote:


You are welcome.

How much they depend on frequency of recorded points - hard to say. It more depends on differences between recorded points. This filtering should reduce some big noises, so if max. point will be alone, other on both sides will have a lot lower altitude, then this max. point will be also reduced a lot as it will be considered as a noise.

Imagine it as a simple average from nearest points, nothing more :).

Hope I answered you.


thanks, makes sense.


On Jan 4, 2016, at 10:19 PM, Locus Map <> wrote:


I have the same problem. In added gpx (in zip file) is a part with this problem. Tempomat in a car was set to 140 km/h - real speed was 134 km/h. Please compare max speed from tab "statistiky" with the chart.



Good day Martin,

I've noticed such troubles in current version as well. In the end of this week will be published new Locus Map version, so please check it and let me know if same problem still remains with new version. Thank you.


In new version is max speed correct on routes recorded in Locus.

On imported routes is still bad. You can test it with gpx file attached 3 days ago.

I tested it with large route recorded in Locus. On this route max speed correct but when I export route Locus -> GPX and import GPX -> Locus max. speed is bad (like previous version). Thanks


I checked the gpx again that I showed in the mail to you, Menion, and it still shows 307 km/h.

Not tried export/ re-import.

There should be a "re-evaluate" button, to get things fixed in the track DB ...


Good day guys,

common problem is that GPX file produced by Locus contains time in seconds only, not in millinseconds. In case of MartinV file, if you check it in any other program, you'll get same result as in Locus.

Solution here is to enable milliseconds for exported tracks. Seems that this is allowed by GPX documentation. I'll enable it to next bigger version to have enough time to test it.

Michael, sorry, I've forget to answer to your email. 307km/h speed is weird. Mainly because value is recomputed everytime, you open track detail (so "re-evalute" button should not be needed). Maybe wait till next beta version where will be enabled export to GPX with milliseconds and then export GPX for me for a test please, I'll check it, thanks.


Hi, I have similar problem. Max speed on recorded track are non realistic high compared to real experience. 35 or 16 km/h after slow walk. However this speed is not visible on graph (I understand this could be because of postporcessing of values) Is this because of jumping of GPS, even when I have set only to track when GPS is guite accurate.


Hello fedoo,

please wait on next version, where this problem will be partially solved. It is still not perfect, anyway such nonsences should be removed with next update. Thank you and sorry for complications.


Thank you very much for solving and for quick response. Looking forward to new version.


I got it, I only needed to remember which account to use….


On Oct 2, 2017, at 7:40 PM, Michael Gracz <> wrote:

How can I reinstall LocusMap Pro on a new device without paying for it again?

Mike Gracz

registered under :

On Oct 3, 2016, at 11:00 PM, Locus Map <> wrote:



glad you solved it, yes same account in device is needed.

Please do not post your questions to topics where it does not belong! Simply create new idea/question in case, you have any new problem with application. Thank you.

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