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Move complete locus to main memory - migration path

Wolfgang shared this question 8 years ago


I already found some threads about this but not all is answered.

At the moment locus is installed locally but the data is on my SD card. Because of (hopefully) speed improvements I want to move everything to the internal storage. There is enough space.

Here my questions:

1 - The attached screenshot has a warning. Is there any problem when I not manually uninstall locus? I mean what happens when updates of locus are installed? I guess an Android Update of the manufactor wouldn't be any problem.

2 - Does not a full backup of locus (shared to the cloud) make it safe? AFAIK maps are not included (why?). Is there more stuff which is not included?

3 - How is the migration path? Exit locus / move root folder / start locus. Am I asked for the new path while starting locus when the old path is missing?

4 - What is the correct structure?





or do I need any additional subfolder like:


Thanks in advance !


Replies (10)


Hi Wolfgang, what does "installed locally" really mean in your situation ?

Any ... /Android/data/menion... path is NOT a good idea (deletion in case of uninstall).

Typically there should be a folder on the INTERNAL SD called Locus.

You can directly use the Andoid "Explorer" App (depends on phone vendor) to move the data.

You can also move only the main directories with all databases etc., but leave maps and SRTM (elevation data) on the external SD. There are many powerful ways to set things up.

But most serious topic is Locus/data.




Hi Michael,

with "installed locally" I mean on the local memory and not on the external SD card. But my external SD is integrated as "adopted SD" like it is possible since Marshmallow.

I have a default installation with no change so far. There exist the following paths:

/storage/emulated/0/Locus with these folders: backup, cache, data, export, icons, mapItems, maps, mapsOnline, mapsVector and plus some config files.


/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/ with just these folders cache, data, icons, mapsOnline, mapsVector plus two config files

Thanks Wolfgang


I never used this SD "adaption" - prefer better control over internal versus external. Also the option to put the external SD into a Mac or PC f needed for mass transfers etc.

I propose you download "diskusage" to get a nice view on what is where and how much on your SD.

The folders you list mostly occure twice. Very suspicious.


Hi Wolfgang,

all necessary answers to your questions and following recommendations can be found here:




This link does not explain the double structures Wolfgang sees.

The way forward is clearly a new install, but it needs to be clarified which of the two strcutures contains which valid data to preserve.


So I think it makes sense to do a backup, then uninstall locus, delete all folders, install it again, restore the backup and that's it.

The backup would choose the right folders. But which folders do I additionally need to the backup? AFAIK not everything is in the backup included.


I advise to look into BOTH Locus structures to see where most of your valuable data sits!

With two Locus structures you cannot trust the Locus backup, as long as you do not know how and when you got two different Locus folders.

You can copy complete folder trees to a safe place before you un-/re-install. You need to understand which of the two is the important one.


That's something I ever would have done. But what (which folder) is NOT included into the backup? AFAIK the maps folder. Is there more which is not included?


maps, mapsonline, mapsvector are not included.

_various, data, icons and the two cfg files are included (I just had a look into my recent full backup zip file)


Wolfgang, you wrote that you intended to move all your data from external SDcard to the inner memory - does it mean you had some time moved Locus to the external SD before? That might have been the reason of the parallel folder structures. I also recommend a new fresh Locus installation as Michael does in this case.


AFAIK locus was really initial installed on the external SD Card, but this happened automatically (adopted SD installation).

I now deleted every locus folder after uninstallation of locus. Installed it new, moved it back to internal SD. Deleted again the folder on the external SD. Switched the root folder to /..Android/data/menion.... and did a restore of my backup.

I'll do some real testing this week on a hike..


Unfortunately this thread did not really answer my questions. I unplugged my SD Card. Installed all completely from new and then I put my SD card back. But now I formated it as usual device. For the moment my memory is sufficient for that solution.

Thread my be closed. Thanks.



if your external SD behaved the same way as in Androids before 4.4.2. then Locus preferred it automatically during installation. If you wanted to move Locus to the internal memory, you could move Locus root directory manually with any file browser. However, your present solution is the best and cleanest, as is recommended in the article mentioned above.

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