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Moving-copying tracks doesn't preserve line style

Ingo Rau shared this problem 7 years ago
Not a Problem

When copying or moving a track that currently uses the original folder's line style, the new/moved track will use the destination folder's line style. In effect, that is not a 1:1 copy (although, granted, data-wise it is, because it's copied with the "Use folder line style" flag preserved).

I'd argue that the new/moved track should keep its actual current line style. If that's not intended, it's always easy to revert to the folder line style - but recreating the line style of the original folder manually is much more of a hassle.

Replies (7)


Good day Ingo,

from logic of this system, I'm sure that current solution is perfectly valid. Option "use folder style" or not, is part of track itself so this copy logically copied this option as well.

I'm anyway open to discuss it or at least listen to positive or negative votes here.

From point of view of the user : he probably may be confused that track has certain style (defined by folder) and after copy, this style has changed. On second side, I hope that user that is capable modify style of folder and track, will understand why this change happen. So -1 from me.


Well, interesting situation. From my point of you it's the track that represents the style not the folder (even in mode "use folder style"). Let's ask Why do you copy/move track to the different folder? Because you want to change the style of the track or because you want to re-organize it. Probably the second case. Base on that I would suggest to preserve style of line.

However world of Locus isn't such simple :) Would it be possible to check the old and new style when track is copied and simply ask: "Do you want to preserve old track style or set style of new folder?" Ideally with small preview of the old and new style.


I like Petr's idea. Granted, it's an additional dialog, but as we seem to agree that there's good arguments on both sides, it might be worth it...


Not so simple task to make it "united".

Currently move/copy between folders may be done :

  1. track detail screen > create copy function from bottom "tools menu"
  2. track detail screen > edit > change folder in selector
  3. list of tracks in folder > bottom move/copy operation applied on multiple tracks

In case 1. it is possible to add additional option "Preserve track style". In cases 2. and 3. there is no simple solution.

My personal opinion: I never had problem with current system and for me it is perfectly logical. Additional settings or question dialog "Keep track style? yes/no" during every change of track folder, looks like annoying disturbance for most of users. I expect ( really just expectation ) that most of us use "folder style" for most of tracks, so such dialog will popup really during every folder change.

If there is really global interest for this settings (or not), please give positive or negative vote here, thanks!


For me the current arrangement is the only logical one. If the folder style shows the type of track, then I would want the moved track to adopt the style of the destination folder. If the track has a style of its own it keeps it on moving.


I also vote -1, that is please retain the current system. It is most useful for me. I generally move tracks specifically to set style to destination folder. Also when moving track(s) to a different folder I don't want additional dialogue to slow down the process.


I know, I seem to be on a losing position here, but please consider one more point:

At least for the "Create copy" function in the track detail screen, it would be possible to do this without any extra dialog: That dialog already has several checkboxes, it would just need an additional one "Preserve track style". So if you need to preserve the style, you would get this option without changing other existing operations. And it's kinda consistent, because that dialog is already the only one that allows things like "reverse", so it's kinda the "Advanced copy" already.



Your copy idea is definitely useful to me. Zero cost or change to other users.


Hi guys,

I'll summary this:

  • current state is not bug, but intent
  • "bug report" has +1/-4, so change is definitely not wanted
  • "extra new settings" in "copy track" dialog is more and more from my point of view not equal "zero cost" ... if settings has zero (or close to zero) usage and also (like in this case) if it's effect may be achieved by any other method (even a little slower), then I does not have place in app

So Ingo, if you really consider this as necessary and useful for more users, create new idea with this proposal and bring at least 10 votes and I'll add it. I already made ideas with a lot less votes, so this will be for me enough to make such change. Anyway I still consider this change as unnecessary. Thanks, case closed.

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