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No listing available after downloading with live map or after updating cache

Yoram David de Melle shared this question 7 years ago


I have a problem. When I download caches with the live map, it does not download the listing, all I have is a link on the top, the rest is blank (see image attached). Also no logs are downloaded.

If I update a cache, the listing does not get downloaded, the tab with the listing flickers between a brown background, a blank background with the link for the cache on the top left and the listing.

It also happens sometimes when I download logs to get them duplicate.

Notes: I use the pro LocusMap version, I am a basic geocaching member.

Thank you.


Replies (21)



As you can read here as a basic member you have very restricted access to geocaches at For example you can only download tradis and event caches with a difficulty / terrain value of 1.5 and bellow.




as c.s.g. has said basic members have more and more difficult time with Groundspeak Inc. who run this game. One of their latest "threats" is that Basic members won't have access to listing over a third party app. Nevertheless, so far it is accessible as a whole HTML page. Either it turns up automatically via a redirect or you have to click the link at the top. Have you clicked it? Does it work?



Thank you for the answers.

That is very disappointing that if I already have the listing and I update it within locusmap, it erases it. It should leave what I already had instead of erasing it...

The link does not work properly, that is when the listing starts flickering back and forth.

And when I am out doing geocaching, I do not have access to the internet anyway.

But your replies answers my question, so thank you. The duplicate log problem is it also related to the restrictions?




Hi Yoram,

I wouldn't mix two problems - lost listing of a cache displayed by the "live map" and caches downloaded for offline use - the first service is provided by the Geocaching4Locus addon and when the internet connection is weak it doesn't manage to reload the listing fast enough when you move the map. Downloaded caches for offline use contain basic cache information and listing is available only as online html page - that's the way Groundspeak deals with Basic members now. We can't do anything about it.


Hi Michal,

Thank you.

At least I know it is not a problem with locusmap. Good to know.



Today I realized that an imported multi-cache from a .gpx file with multiple way points only imported the initial waypoint.

Is there a setting in Locusmap that I have wrong? I know it has several (8) way points in it as opening it with another program they are there.

Thank you.



could you please attach the corresponding gpx file here in your next post?

Maybe you have to put the gpx file into a zip file first because gpx files can not be attached to a post .... but in this point I am not sure ...




There is the .gox file.

I tested it again before sending. Still the same behaviour.



Note: I will be without Internet for a few days to respond to your comments later on today.



just a quick response after looking into the gpx file with notepad++:

There are only 2 waypoints in the gpx file: GC1MK9M ( the geocache ) and W01MK9M ( a child waypoint, i. e. virtaul stage ) of GC1MK9M. I simply searched for "wpt" in the gpx file.

So there are only 2 waypoints that Locus Pro can import. The geocache and one virtual stage of that geocache.

I will import the gpx file for a further test later this day but I am pretty sure it will be as I wrote before.




I opened it with cgeo and all 8 waypoints were there. I deleted the file, then imported. I even switch the Internet off to do so.

I do not understand.

Thank you for your time.



Hi yoram,

I suppose that you are online with your smartphone when using c:geo. At least when you are looking at the geocache in c:geo for the first time..

c:geo breakes the TOU of groundspeak by not using the offical API from groundspeak but by spidering the listing of the geocache and then downloads the necessary infos about the cache direct from that listing and not from a gpx file.

As I see you are using GSAK for creating the gpx file. How many child waypoints are in GSAK present? Maybe only the export settings in GSAK are wrong. Here are my settings in GSAK for creating a gpx file for Locus. These settings works for me a very long time without any problems:



Hi yoram,

I just downloaded the gpx file of GC1MK9M from and imported it into GSAK. The "Load summery" told me, that there are 1 waypoint and 1 additional child waypoint added to GSAK. So there are no more child waypoints available via the gpx file getting from

But when I update the cache in GSAK via " access ---> Refresh cache data ...." using the API of groundspeak all 8 child waypoints are present / downloaded in / to GSAK. But I am afraid this only works for premium members of groundspeak. But maybe you will give it a try anyway.



Hi yoram,

here is my gpx file of GC1MK9M created by GSAK after doing the steps described above. After importing this file into Locus there should be all 8 child waypoints present.



Hi c.s.g,

I do not use GSAK,

Here is what I do: I download caches with c:geo either using the live map or using the sendto:cgeo from firefox.

cgeo impots the data into a folder. I then export those files from the folder as a .gpx with cgeo and upload this file with locus.

Waypoints in this case are not imported, nor are the images.

I then go out do geocaching and apart from a few occasions when I look at the cache still with the wifi connection, I open the caches for the first time on the field, without internet access.



Hi yoram,

strange .... in your gpx file there are gsak extensions. So i thougt you are using GSAK.

Waypoints of my gpx file should be imported. I have tested it just a couple of minutes ago. They are shown on the tab "WEGPUNKTE" of the cache. So it is defenitly a export problem of c:geo. Locus can only import data that are present in the gpx file.

Or via the AddOn Geocahing4Locus, which only works optimal if you are a premium member of groundspeak. But this is a restriction caused by groundspeak not by the AddOn.

For getting the images of a cache you have to use the GC Offlinizer of Locus.



Hi, c.s.g,

Thank you once more.

GC offlinizer does not work because I am Basic member. I tried it. It actually erases what I have imported from cgeo (the listing).

So, the waypoints cannot be exported with cgeo because they are in a "odd" place?

I am still trying to download the attachment, I have internet problems.



Hi Yoram,

I am not familar with c:geo. So the following is just a guess:

I do not know how or where c:geo stores the waypoints. The waypoints WP1 to WP6 and the Final have no coordinates. Or to be more precise: Theire coordiantes are N 00° 00.000 E 00° 00.000 So maybe c:geo does not export these waypoints to a gpx file. You may have to set something like "export waypoint without coordinates" in the export dialog of c:geo. But as I wrote before .... just a guess.



HI c.s.g,

Thank you for your time.

I should ask the cgeo team perhaps.

I managed to download and import your file into locusmap, all waypoints are there now.

But no images, such as the spoiler.

I never used gsak, do you think it would be a good idea to use it to go around those problems?




Hi yoram,

you wrote: I never used gsak, do you think it would be a good idea to use it to go around those problems?

I think, first you should become a premium member at GSAK / Locus is much more powerful, when you are a premium member. Creating the gpx file with all 8 waypoints within GSAK was only possible because I am a premium member.

If you are a premium member at Locus or Geocaching4Locus is able to use the API of groundspeak in a much better way. This is because groundspeak offers very poor possibilitys for basic members to get the desired infos via the API. If you do so I am sure you can get the complete waypoint, images such as spoiler etc. direct within Locus or Geocaching4Locus.

If this is still "not enough" you can consider to use GSAK in a second step. In my case GSAK was first and Locus comes later into my "Geocaching-Life". For me the combination GSAK / Locus is the best I can think of when going geocaching. But to be true: Getting images like spoilers from GSAK to Locus is possible but not automatically supported by GSAK.



HI c.s.g,

Oh, I see. Thank you.


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