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No switch to Map Themes

freischneider shared this problem 5 years ago
Not a Problem

In the Quick Settings has since been a switch for Map Themes. This is no longer there.

Replies (10)


Good day,

this is correct. Because the option to change map themes is available over

  • side panel map content (main place for a change of themes)
  • the blue small button directly in the left panel
  • Presets system
  • "Map themes" directly in functions panel (edit based on discussion below)

we removed Map themes from Quick Settings also because it is not the same settings as others. Please use any other option to change themes. Thanks.


Pity ! Do not forget to take it out in the user guide.


I also just noticed that "Map themes" is missing within Quick setting, which is a pity. Now we need to display an extra button (side panel or blue left panel) which dicreases the already small map area on phones with tiny screens.

Wouldn't it be possible to add it again to quick settings? I thought that's just another switch but in the end starting the same dialogue like with the other 2 buttons on the side panels?


Ah, I forget to mention ... there is the fourth option

  • "Map themes" directly in functions panel

So sorry sonny and others .. logically, "Map themes" really does not belong into Quick settings feature and we still have 4!! other option how to display this tool.


Hi Menion,

just for interest: where is this 4th option? Do you mean within Menu > More functions

I can't find a "Map themes" icon there, or did I overlooked it?



just checking it and it should really be there. And working quite well ...



Hi, I want to ask for an update on the actual situation on switching themes.

I just wanted to explain a friend (a new Locus user) how to switch Themes of his map (OpenAndroMaps v4). Myself is using an extra button on the right panel. But I don't wanted to explain him how to add extra buttons just for switching themes.

So how to switch themes without extra buttons? I would call myself a very skilled Locus user for years, but couldn't find any alternative myself. Not within the "settings" menu, not within the "additional functions" menu, not within the maps menu. I even can't find the blue menus you were writing above and the other points... I'm quite frustrated that such a basic and important function is so hard to find within Locus' multiple menu even for long-year Locus users. Not to tell how difficult confusing it is for new Locus users.

Personally I would think Themes should be switchable somewhere within the map menu since they are a very important feature of Vector maps . But I can't find it there although I think somewhen in the past it's been there. Or am I just "blind" today?


... after searching around more than half an hour i finally found that there's an option AFTER enabling the left side menu. There I could switch themes.

But in my humble opinion every feature - especially such a basic feature - should be at least reachable in an app by using menus/settings. A user should not be forced to turn on some hidden side menus or add additional buttons before being able to switch map themes. Like already possible for switching maps just by using the menu.


Hello sonny,

the problem here is that you, as a long-year user, completely forget that the blue button in the bottom left corner is visible by-default and you disabled it manually. All new users have this button permanently visible so switching themes is just one click away.

We register (based on questions here on help desks) many usability problems, but to be true, I do not remember whether I saw any other topic related to the inability to switch map themes.

I'm currently preparing layout for new Locus Map 4 version and here, this small blue button (with little changed style) will be permanent on the screen without possibility to remove (also because reason you describe here).



Hi Menion, you're right, I disabled all blue buttons to see the maximum area of the map. Cause I get each function of the blue buttons via other buttons on the top/right or via the menu.

But maybe one general point to think of: In many apps or desktop software are possibilities to speed-up the start of functions like the purpose of the blue left buttons (for example via configurable toolbars, individual buttons, etc.). But one important usability principle is that each function of the app is also accessible via menu or via settings. Undepended what the user individually has configured or enabled in those extra toolbars/buttons.

For example in my case i didn't know that if disabling the blue left buttons, I won't have the chance any more to still access Themes via menu or settings dialog.

But finally: it's a good idea of you that in Locus 4 people can't remove the blue button any more and so unintendendly turn off the access to Themes.


Another button that I cannot remove. I do not like that. In Locus Map 4 it is super solved in the Alpha. There it is included in the Map Screen Button. Access is quick. It is also logical because the theme changes the look of Map Sreen. So why change?


Probably miss-understanding. Really only three buttons (main menu, centering button and map-screen content button) will be permanent.

By my text "this small blue button (with little changed style) will be permanent on the screen" I was talking about this "Map-screen content" button. So no worry, I've well aware that it is important to achieve as clear/empty map screen as possible.

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