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Noise on map when Map Color Mode and Map Shading are enabled

Svjetlana shared this problem 8 years ago

When updated to the version 3.17.0, I have noticed a problem on my LG - P710 Optimus L7 II, running on android 4.12.

If Map Color Mode, in settings, is enabled, i.e. high contrast and at the same time Map Shading is enabled, i.e. hill shading or colored altitude, the map is covered with noise (thousands of small blue dots and short lines as shown in attachments). I have tested it with either, various, vector and bitmap offline maps.

There was no such problem in the previous versions, 3.15.0, 3.16.0, 3.16.2.

Thank you for your fine product and hard work.

Replies (8)


hmm next one

Other user have same troubles:


A more typical Locus user is likely to check for any trouble here in rather than buried in "Locus forum>Development>versions>[APP] - v3.17.x".


Yes Andrew - y'r right

My post should be only a comment - to say: "hey very interesting..."


Good day Svjetlana,

thank you for your bug report. As gynta mentioned, you seems to be second person that wrote about same problem. Unfortunately I'm unable to simulate this problem on own device.

Is a color mode key for you? So if you disable this "color mode", no such troubles happen and shading is correct? Are you using anything special that may helps me to simulate it, like some overlay map, some special settings in device that improve performance, etc. whatever, thank you.


Hi Menion,

I appreciate very much your quick response.

Yes, it seems that my problem is the same one as reported by Christian in Locus forum. As to your question, I can live without Map Color Mode, however, I really like High Contrast Color mode because the map has better contrast and is much brighter, so details can easier be seen especially in the sunshine.

When I don't use/enable both, Map Color Mode and Map Shading simultaneously, everything is fine, no problems. When both features are simultaneously enabled, the problem is present, whatever type of shading I choose (hill shading, slopes, colored altitude) and whatever Map Color Mode (night, low, high contrast). Combination of them doesn't matter, the problem is always there. However, what I have noticed is that the noise is not static and fixed to the particular part of a map, but rather goes on and off and moves around the map, changing it's shape, depending on the zoom level of the map.

I have tried various offline maps, i.e. vector maps (, Europe-Croatia, various dates, raster maps ( and some satellite imagery maps. I use offline elevation (hgt) data from or

I don't have installed either, any Add-ons, nor Co-apps to Locus. Furthermore, no special settings or apps in my device, controlling screen or improving performance. As I mentioned in my previous comment, there was no problem in previous versions of Locus and in the mean time I haven't installed any new app or made changes to the settings of my device, nor loaded new maps/hgt-s to Locus. I use the device exclusively for Locus. To correct myself in my first comment, android version of my LG - P710 Optimus L7 II device is 4.1.2.

I have also a second device/ smart-phone LG G2 - D802, running on android 4.4.2. I have Locus-pro on that device as well. The same Locus settings, better to say exactly the same settings and maps as on LG - P710 Optimus L7 II. However, no problem on LG G2.

If you need and further information, I will gladly help you to solve the issue. I use Locus on a daily basis and can not imagine going either, on or off-road without it.


Hi Menion,

I have also tried clearing cache, uninstalling Locus and installing it back. No improvements. The issue still exists. Also, it is all the same if I use map overlays or not.

However, there is one interesting thing that I have noticed - when I use online maps and I scroll out of the region that is covered by my offline maps and, possibly more important by hgt data/files stored locally on my device, the noise/problem disappears. Certainly, that is because no Map Shading can take place, since no hgt data is available offline on my device for that region.


Good day,

I was trying to find out what change may cause such problems. As you already found - it do not happen on all devices so it's something specific for some of them.

I've anyway found a one change that have direct influence on how shading is drawn. If you find a while, please try this version , and let me know if it works for you. Thank you!


Hi Menion,

Wonderful, well done. You have solved the problem. No more noise with this newest version.

Moreover, you have solved one addition issue connected to rendering of hill shading that existed in previous versions of Locus (3.17.0, 3.16.2, 3.16.0, 3.15.0, ...). Take a look at attached screenshot 44 on which ribbed clouds/shading is visible around islands in the northern Adriatic sea. That screenshot has been taken with Locus 3.17.0 (the same issue appeared in previous versions as well). Attached screenshots 55 and 66 taken with the newest Locus show no such issue.

I didn't report that issue before since I was thinking the problem is not in Locus but rather connected to srtm/hgt voids and inconsistent/not-perfect data in those files.

Locus users that mainly look at continent regions could hardly notice such an issue. That ribbed clouds/shading was best visible around isolated sea islands. However, you have solved those clouds too.

Thank you very much for your quick responses and patience.


Good morning Menion,

My previous comment regarding an issue with ribbed clouds/shading has been previously raised by Fifi 2 months ago ( However, I have checked with elevation (hgt) data from and from Also, I noticed the issue on different devices (LG - P710 Optimus L7 II and LG G2 - D802). The issue was always there in previous versions of Locus-pro.

Now, it seems, as I commented previously, that you have solved that issue with version.


Good morning,

mentioned topic had a different problem. There were issue in HGT files itself. It cause some "random" glitches on the map, but not problems you had.

Issue is caused by some internal Android problem when drawing one layer over another (shading over map). I used little bit different parameters in and as you wrote - it helped. Perfect.

Thank you for a help!

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