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Norway Topo

Todd Jackson shared this question 7 years ago


I've been downloading for a week now the Topo maps for Norway from

From previous comments that I found from searching, the downloads of these maps are limited to 10000 per day. I've been at this for a week now, I have downloaded zooms 6 through to 12 but it seems to me that I've been downloading zoom 12 for the past 2 or 3 days. The size of these maps are now at 2274.46mb

Why are these maps limited downloading per day? How many zooms are there in total and what is the final size of the map once completed. The window that I get once I reach my limit does not provide any information to suggest that you are getting there, or a few more maps left or the eventual file size.

These topo maps of Norway are the best that I've used, I have them in MrSid format but unable to convert them myself so that I can use them in Locus map pro.

Can the limits of these maps be removed ? Or can an alternative suggestion for downloading these maps be provided to locus map users?



Replies (8)


Agreed and looking for the same answer!

I think already that you are downloading a huge portion map of Norway, there is until zoom 17 so I don't think you'll be able to download all of it... Or it'll take some months time.

I'm in the same boat and still downloading a small portion of the map, I have 400,000 tiles at zoom 17 to download :-/ not sure what to do now so if anyone has any tips into accelerating the process it'll be great to hear.

May be write to kartverket but I doubt they want to have their servers even more pestered...


Hi Todd,

the downloading is limited because the terms of map provider (Norwegian Mapping Authority). It's also our internal protection to limit downloading of huge areas - exactly like your downloading. The Norwegian Topo maps are available to zoom level = 18. Please note that the size of map grows exponentially with every zoom level. In your situation is the size of map intensified due to "polar" areas (I guess that you download whole Norway).

For this reason we don't strongly recommended downloading huge areas. The downloading online maps should be used for areas about 50 x 50 km.

I can suggest to use combination with Locus LoMaps maps and several Statkart Topo maps (downloaded only for custom areas). LoMaps are vector based have about 10x smaller size then downloaded online maps. There are other benefits of LoMaps like offline address search or you can influence the appearance of the map using themes. Please see

Thank you for understanding

Best regards



Yes I'm downloading the entire map of Norway, for me when offline in the remotest areas it works perfectly. I do know that Kartverket does limit it's downloads but they don't restrict you from downloading the entire maps ( at once ) for personal use. These maps are provided by them free for download and use therefore I don't understand the "internal protection to limit downloading"

I do have these maps in other formats but yet to figure out how to convert them to a format that can be used in Locus maps which keeps the high resolution. As for size of the maps, that is up to the individual user how large of map that they want to download, isn't it? It's too easy to have the maps on a sdcard to save internal space.

LoMaps doesn't provide the level of detail that I'm looking for when travelling "off the beaten path" in Norway therefore the desire to use the Norwegian topo maps instead. But I have to admit I was unaware of the themes that can be used with LoMaps, so I will take a look at that.

I have to ask, if you were provided with the maps in another format are you guys able to convert them to a format that is compatible with Locus Maps which you can host for those costumers who have bought the pro version?



I'm downloading a small area, and I'm not going to be able to download up to that zoom...


@ WM Mare,

shame isn't it, all the reason why it does support the idea of converting the formats that are avail today to a format that is more user friendly in Locus Maps.


@Todd Jackson

Yes. I did manage in the past years to download bigger maps from parts of Norway but no anymore, so this restriction makes it useless if you want to have maps for hiking or/cycling since zoom 17 and 18 are so useful. Having 10,000 tiles saved up can allow a big enough map but then without using those zoom 17 and 18, so reducing possibly those use case to driving... and if you are driving you can use other types of other offline maps.


Hi Guys,

I can understand that it's annoying for you. But Kartverket really defines the limit 10 000 tiles / day. Please see

Please consider:

- the area of interest (do you really need whole Norway?)

- the downloaded zoom-levels ( I guess that the zoom levels 16, 17, 18 aren't needed)

- please try to specify the area for downloading as precise as possible (I mean to create some complicated polygon that cover exactly the area you're interested on)

Despite on all points above I'd like to recommend combination of LoMaps and smaller parts of downloaded Statkart topo maps. You can use for example LoMaps as background maps and display the topo maps as overlay. Based on that you can have map for whole Norway but some custom areas would covered by statkart topo maps. Please see attached image - it isn't Norway but I only want to show what I mean.

Thank you

Best regards



Well, i agree with Petr.

I'm norwegian and love the services from Kartverket. I have 25% of my home area downloaded (Stavanger area) as RASTER zoomlevels 10-17, and its about 1,6 Gb (2500 km2 equals to 50*50 km) .

According to my calculations it would be 250+ Gb to cover hole Norway at same zoomlevels.

I dont expect Locus to work smooth with such filesizes, but i could be wrong.

Dont expect perfect and up-to-date maps from Kartverket either. Below is the coordinates to an intersection I've been driven by for at least 8 months.

Lomap show it correctly, every Kartverket service show old road layout.

N 58°50.119' , E 005°44.165'

i respect Locus team for not violating Kartverkets ToS.


@ Hallgeir, It's the "old road layout" that I'm after, it gives you the true picture and beauty of Norway. I just love driving the old roads, the real beauty of Norway is on display all the time.


With all the comments said, I do see that the higher the zoom the larger the file, especially if a person tries to download the entire country. In the present format it's simply is unwise to pursue this idea further but it does lean me back to a point that has been mentioned before. The maps that avail here: the high quality versions are very good but the format is not compatible with Locus Maps.

Is there somebody within this community that has the ability to convert those maps to a format that would work in Locus maps? Could they be converted to a format that is smaller in size, keeping the present quality levels?Then from there combined into one map for the entire country? All valid questions that I think would be beneficial to many other users of Locus Maps. Wishful thinking maybe, but worth the time to ask.



You could dive into MAPC2MAPC software.. seems to handle and convert Mrsid files.

Or......simply create routes in Kurviger app to discover those curvy back country roads.

Export to Locus, enjoy your trip :-)


with LizardTech\GeoViewer i built the tfw file and next with MAPC2MAPC the sqlitedb

see example:


Hi balloni55,

Thanks for the suggestion! I have been intrigued to try this out but didn't turn out so successful for me :)

Went into Geoviewer, load the map (native map projection), tools, export with Write word file (for the TFW file), then leave to medium dimensions for output size (should this be bigger or smaller?), click export and then got 2 files.

Then went onto Mapc2mapc, load the map with calibration and choose x.tfw, select UTM Zone 33, and click on WSG84 (already at this stage it is showing me red crosses on my map), then save the map to the Locus format.

The map shows in Locus great but with all those red marks, so let me know if you know what I could have possibly done wrong? Surely there are other settings I must have missed.

As for downloading offline maps, I am downloading a small area where I will be hiking during few days and zoom 17 and 18 are the ones I need the most for its precision. Surely the lomaps works ok but it feels great to have such level of details you can get from statkart maps. And having different map on board with different precisions/format is useful from my past experience when interpreting ways to go at a mountain climb for example.


I think red crosses is gone when register MAPC2MAPC software.

Damn, i need to check this work flow too!


Thanks a lot, and I thought I did something wrong :-)

If there would be any other setting to configure for a better map let me know!

(like the difference of the map size of any other settings)



I checked the format yesterday and it seems that we could prepare for your maps in locus format and place them into Locus store. So you would simply download them with one click. We only need to check the terms of use - if we can convert the files and store them on our server. Are you interested in such solution?

BTW: I can not guarantee weekly updates (rather every 3 - 4 months)


You have my vote Petr, thanks. I am checking myself anyway how to do it now :)


Hej Petr,

approx a month has passed, how has this project been progressing, any updates for us?


Hi Todd,

I'm sorry for late but there were or still there are more important tasks I need to focus on. Implementation these maps is definitely planned. Please consider mentioned mapc2mapc in case that maps are vital for you.

Thank you for understanding and patiance


Petr, it would be really great with download option in store!

Did a quick comparison last night. Concluded mrsid maps was about 1/4 size of sqlite... and without the blur at higher map resolution.

+1 from me!


Add my name to the list of supporters for Locus format.

Thanks Petr.

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