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Offine GNS and GeoNames search not working

William Robinson shared this problem 10 years ago
Not a Problem

I have Locus Pro 3.6.1. I have downloaded and installed several different files from both the GeoNames and GNS databases and extracted the .zip files to the /Locus/data/geoNames file, where I see they are all .txt files. When I go to Search/GeoNames and GNS and search offline for anything in any of the files, I get "No search results", but when I do an online search in these databases I do get results. Am I doing something wrong, or is there a problem?

Thank you.

Replies (5)


Forgot to mention: I am running Android 4.1.1.

Thank you.


Good day William,

you will have to write me exact step by step description, what you do. Because I've just tested this system and for me it works.

I've downloaded data from this list

Extracted txt file, placed as you wrote to Locus/data/geoNames directory. In search screen choose uploaded file and after search, voala ... results exists.

So please give me a link to file you tried and text you wants to search and I'll check it.



Thank you for your reply. I apologize for my delay in replying; I was traveling.

The problem continues for me. I downloaded the file from the site (same link you showed), and extracted it as the US.txt file to the Locus/data/GeoNames location. The "US" file name appears correctly as a search file location in the Locus Search/GeoNames and GNS screen when I check the "Search Offline" box. However, when I do a search, the "searching" indication continues for a long time and no results appear. When I do the same search with the online option, the results appear quickly. I have tried downloading and extracting the file two ways: with the native Android download and zip extract option, and with ES File Explorer, in case there was difference with file encoding etc., but the results were the same. Again, I am running Android 4.1.1, and have updated to the latest Locus Pro 3.7.0. I would appreciate any help!

Thank you.



The offline search function does work as it is supposed to. However, it takes between 4 and 7 minutes for a single search, apparently due to the size of the US database (over 240 Mb). So Locus is working well, thank you! The problem appears to be my slow phone :).



Ah good to hear.

Problem here is not just a slow phone (maybe it isn't slow at all), but definitely size of database.

Because issue here is that Locus needs to read line by line whole file and manually search if required text is in any word. So for such huge file it takes really really long. If i may suggest, check if there are not any files, separated by some smaller regions. It should help a lot.

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