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Offline WMS maps

mdmystko shared this question 13 years ago

I would like to be able to pre-cache WMS images along a path. It can be done with online maps but not with WMS sources. There is a following explanation on Locus forum:

"Everytime you enable/disable any layer, url to server has change, so it will always be different image. So no caching is enabled for WMS maps, same for downloading"

However, OruxMaps can create an offline map from WMS source so technically it is possible somehow. I did it couple days ago. OruxMaps allows only rectangular selection while I prefer "along path". The latter requires smaller downloads or allows higher zoom level at the same download size, compared to a rectangular selection.

Do you think it is doable? Would you consider implementing this?

Replies (10)



yes it`s possible, but reason remain. Doing this is quite easy for me in Locus, but I still don`t want to enable this. Why?

- WMS server are generating tiles on request, so power needed for generating is quite higher then for regular maps distributed by Mapnik server (or WMTS service)

- data from WMS servers usually provide some statistic data or old map data, so they`re not created for usage in terrain as tourist maps (but it`s not problem, just information)

- also as I wrote on forum, URL on tile is generated by selected WMS layers, so if you change one layer (from for example 100 available) you`ll receive different image

- WMS Terms of use are generally as pajaku wrote: "you can use it only as WMS service or inside web browser. It`s a legal thing not technical problem"

- and finally, I already have quite a lot of troubles with downloading from OSM servers and I should not expect anything different, then same troubles when I enable downloading WMS maps

I`m not saying never, I`m not saying that this is my final decision, but till anyone provide me some WMS service that exactly say "yes, you can download X tiles from our server per day without any problems", I`ll not do it for sure



You are quick to reply :-)

Some WMS servers are really useful as a tourist aid:

Other layers provide 1:10 000 topo maps

As you can see, such maps are likely to be used in remote ares with poor mobile coverage.

I understand your concerns regarding server load caused by Locus users. If you ever change your decision, I will surely use the feature to get ready for a mountain hike.

Anyway, money for Locus Pro are really well spent :-)


Dobra odpowiedz:)


i`m supporting this idea. downloading and caching WMS tile would be very useful for power users. Because now, I need to download tiles on my PC, and prepare the maps in home. But sometimes Im in hurry or im already in the field, and I don`t have access to PC with proper soft. In these cases I would like to have an option to download the tiles in evey moment. another thing is, rendering these WMS tiles is slow, and it slow down the whole app. So it would be more economic to spend some time on downloading them and caching to the best economic and supported Locus format to use them later seamless.


Please leave me some contact information to you. Im looking for ppl interested in Polish WMS and Locus.


I`m setting this question as answered. For now it`s closed topic (sorry elmuSSo). If anyone will be interested in this feature, feel free to create new topic as Idea. If there will be interest, I`ll try to do something with it. Probably not downloading, but at least caching


Ok. Do You know any decent WMS downloader for PC? Something like MOBAC, but for WMS. I know a few apps, but they are terrible, so Im still searching...


It`s one problem: You couldn`t download maps from you can use it only as WMS service or inside web browser. It`s a legal thing not technical problem.


Mobac can download WMS, have a look on the readme:


Menion, do you change your mind? Will it possible to download WMS maps?


Hello Piotr,

sorry, no. As pajaku wrote, it is more a legal question. WMS servers are generally not created for batch tile download.


I have GB of offline WMS maps on mytrails which I use regularly. I was thinking of switching to LOCUS since mytrails is not developed as readily, but if you don't allow WMS downloads, then forget it.

I'd say quit the legal mumble jumble, the simple, real reason for not enabling WMS downloads when other apps such as mytrails or orux do, is just because of money.

Most national map providers allow WMS downloads, but if I can download these maps from WMS, why would I buy them from the LOCUS store?

Money. As simple as that.

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