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Optimize navigation announcements

freischneider shared this idea 6 years ago

Although I have set the frequency of the commands to low, always come with each turn 2 Komandos. One at 700 m and one at 70 m


The frequency (number) of the commands selectable (1 command or 2 commands) Furthermore, one should be able to set the distance at which the commandos should come. When driving already 500 m before, when cycling I need it only 70 m before, while hiking 20 m before.

#s3gt_translate_tooltip_mini { display: none !important; }

Replies (3)


Short reply because mobile now.

It is available in config.cfg and in navigation advanced settings.

More info if necessary by pc keyboard later ;-)


Derzeit ist dies hier in

navigation_announcements_times = 15 | 35 | 300

Wenn ich nur eine Ansage will, dann werde ich es tun

navigation_announcements_times = 25

Is that correct ?



My setting:

# times before command, when Locus notify (in seconds), default is: 15|35|300 navigation_announcements_times=15


Good day,

what Willy (0709, thanks) recommend, is the correct answer. "Number of commands" define the total number of places on which Locus Map will notify during navigation. Not directly when (time before) these notification happen. These times are correctly defined by the parameter in config.cfg file and are defined as the time before "junction" when Locus Map should notify.

So in case, you define this parameter to value "25", it means that Locus will say notification only once, 25 seconds before you arrive to "command place".

Hope that explanation is clear and setup will work for you correctly.

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