Option inside "Nearest Points" > load/show first xx on map

balloni55 shared this idea 7 years ago
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as title says,

for now user has to load hidden points of these list laborious one by one

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Replies (4)


Little thing, but great annoyance. I'm not sure how to do the "xx" thing, however. Either do it like with POIs, just have a button to display nearest 100 - might show more than you need, but will probably activate all points that one is interested in right now. Nicer would be some kind of "drag-and-select", where you long tap on one point and then drag your finger along the list, selecting all points on the way (and scrolling down/up when you reach the margins). Is that doable? Wouldn't interfere with anything, right now long tap on a point does nothing.


Menion, I know it's only 3 votes, but perhaps you can tell us if it's too complicated or easy enough to perhaps "just do it"? ;) It least having an option to Show All would be more consistent with other screens with a long list of displayable points...


This didn't get much attention, unfortunately, but I still think that at least a "Select all" button (menu entry) is absolutely necessary to make the point list useful - apart from the fact that it's kinda standard to have a Select All for selection lists.


I'd like to bump this again, as I just stumbled over it again and it was very annoying. I looked at a location where I went on holiday a while ago and had lots of points. Now for planning next holiday there, I wanted to quickly see what's there and where I already went. From the sidebar, I have to tap every point manually - in this case several dozens.

As they're in different folders, I don't see any possibility to quickly activate all points around a certain location - or am I overlooking something?

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