please support geotiff format

Arnaud Riess shared this idea 12 years ago
Gathering feedback

I know you have looked into Geotiff support before and it`s not easy... Can you reconsider support for it, at least with the WGS84 projection (the default used for google/OSM tiles)


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It would be so easy to just import geotiff file...


I'm supporting this feature request. GeoTIFF is by far the most used fileformat for exchanging raster maps. Most of national surveying institutes provide their raster maps at least as GeoTIFF files. It's a well documented, free file format. It's also able to handle large maps by using a internal tile based scheme and different methods of compression.

For example Austrian Maps from BEV:,2845793&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL

or German Maps from BKG:

Right now people have to use external software like QGIS to convert them into a file format which is readable by Locus. Most people lacking from know-how how to operate such converting software correctly.

I know that Locus' should not be able to read a bunch of different file formats. But it would be a quality feature if it's able to read the most common used one.

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