POI attached photos with "GPS avaraging" koords

balloni55 shared this idea 11 years ago
Gathering feedback


step1, creat a POI and take one or several photos from the same position. After that POI and photos have different koord.

step2, runnig "GPSaveraging" after i save it, the koords of the POI are corrected but not in the attached photos.

My wish: if photos are attached to a POI display an optional checkbox in save dialog "overwright koords in attached photos too" or something like this.

So at least POI and attached photos have identical koords

Replies (3)


Nice, my own post i can vote "disagree" ;-)


Why do you need coordinates in photos? You already have the coords in POI and photos are attached to the POI.

Edit: the main page shows the sum of the votes!

Shouldn't it be (like - disagree), so currently this would have a total of 1 - 2 = -1


Why do you need coordinates in photos?

Hello stebu,

i am searching "historical landmarks" most of them which nowadays exist are in the forest. If i take 2 or 3 photos from a landmark, the koords sometimes differ 15-20 meter. The koords of the POI are accurate after averaging and it is ok for use in locus or export as .kmz.

But i also use this photos also "standalone" for example in "Geosetter" or share them.

So it will be perfect write optional the accurate koords to each photo.

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