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POI import not happening in background, gets stuck

Lux Calor shared this problem 7 years ago

I am trying to import a large database of POİs (30.000+) in .kml files to Locus through Import function in the Data screen. Operation starts ok, then screen goes off (phone lock) and operation stops. To resume it and keep it going I need to unlock the phone and keep the screen on all the time. Then, after around 4000 points operation stops anyway with the message "working..." hanging there forever.

Map Items are stored on internal memory.

Android 5.1

Locus 3.28.1

Replies (1)


Good day Lux,

this seems to me more like some problem with setup of device & Locus Map. Don't you use any "stamina" mode on your device, or just some tool that optimize memory and battery usage? Because Locus itself does not stop import when screen goes off, so it more looks like your device put Locus to some "sleep" mode.

When you set longer interval till screen goes off, what happen? Is then Locus able to import your huge dataset?


Hi Menion,

İt was probably a problem with my phone's OS. I have updated the firmware recently and was able to import the said POİ library with the screen off.

Still, It would be useful to see a progress and 'process successful' notifications while importing points/tracks as it currently is with maps.



Hello Lux,

perfect, glad to hear it works now.

About progress: you do not see any progress dialog during import?


The dialog is there, no problem. What I suggest is a progress bar in android notification. The same way it is implemented for personal maps import/install.


Quite a different situation. In case of GPX/KML files, we may simply expect that averate size of these files will be less then 1 MB. Such file is imported within a few seconds and there is no need for some more complicated system. In case of maps, we usually talk about something around 100 MB ( a lot less or a lot more is of course possible ), and here is necessary to track long-time progress with some clear system, like notifications in status bar. So sorry, cannot agree that system notification is needed for such rare cases, like yours.


Well the 30K+ points took some time to import. But you are right, that is definitely a rare case. And probably an unnecessary complication.

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