Search for POI near my route

David Galloway shared this idea 8 years ago
Gathering feedback

when following a route is it possible to, for example example, find both the nearest pub AND the distance to the first pub along the route?

There are times when a POI is urgent - I just need to get there asap. And times when I need to know how much further along the route it is until I reach the required POI.

Perhaps the search could show the distance from my location (as now) and the deviation from the route. Or simply show the compass bearing (NW) so that I could decide which POI to select based on my direction of travel.


Replies (10)


Good day David,

no such feature currently exists in Locus. I've changed your question to "idea" so other people may vote if interested in this improvement.


Ithink this would bei very usefull.If You are somewhere Offroad and News to know when You arrive at a Gas station


Well, there is a function available today that gives you the nearest POIs for map center (or GPS position, I do not know the detail here). Would not help with long distance planning, but save your peace of mind when you need a drink NOW :-)


Hehe, this is correct :). Check menu > more functions > Points of interests. It's database provided together with LoMaps, that offer these data. But main point is missing > data along the route. This database offer only data, as Michael wrote, sorted by distance from current map center/GPS.


@David :

If the Pub where you are is closing down, there's a lot of chance that the nearest Pub will be closed too and that it is time to go back to home !

So, maybe it could more useful to have a Locus function called something like "I'm a little bit drunk ... Locus, please, remind me the way to my home little sweet home"

Cheers mate ! ;))))

More seriously,

@Menion : what do you think about to have a kind of nearest POI sorted by categories and sub-categories ? Something like that ... :




Edit : and / or a list of categories in which you can check quickly where you want the search engine to do the search in and display the result


Currently I have few more important tasks to do. Anyway agree that there is a lot of possibilities how to improve "Nearest points" feature. I'll this more about it later. There will be need to find some compromise between complexity and usability.


I'd also be very interested in this feature for bike tours. (My old TomTom Car Navi had a similar feature.



It would be really helpful feature. I often plan 200 km+ routes. In GSAK on pc I can find all geocaches along a route, but it woud be greate if I have a chance to find other pois along a route in locus. For example pubs, shops, drinking water, camps, atms.


A very important feature when I plan a trip. I go the track and get info when I get close to important points. Another feature is that I can load all cache 100 yards left and right of the route.


such an idea already exists

POI near my route | Locus Map - help desk


Thanks for the link, looks like the idea was created 4 years ago with the most recent activity from 2 years ago. I didn't see anything in the thread stating where the idea will be worked on at a future date.

What I looking for is slightly different, I would like to display all waypoints for a directory within a certain distance say 30 meters from the track by calculating the great-circle distance.



I've just merged three similar ideas to this one. We are currently working on a completely new united system for address and online LoPoints search and this one is a really important part that should be considered as well. So I'll try to open this topic on the next meeting discussion about this ...


Hello all,

I think some clarification would be useful. My understanding so far is: 1) There will be limited selection of categories of interest. Let us assume pub and restaurant are the only interesting categories here. (How to determine what is worth reporting?) 2) Points that we consider important are reported in the real time, as the day go on. There is no such a thing like a list, attached to the planned route at the very beginning. At the position 1, 2, 3 of the attached picture, what should be reported?


Long: My use case is usually bike tours. Now There is a category Supermarket in the POIs. So for Food I am interested in the next supermarkets along my route (and not the ones I passed by 40 Minutes ago and not the ones that result in a 20km detour). If the list is reduced to the ones on the remaining part of the route (or close by [to be defined]) then I can still check the resulting list for the one that fits me.

As I would put it: If I search for a POI Category or whatever: Instead of "All results around me sorted by distance from my current position" I want a reduced List containig only the ones "Along my remainig route with a maximum distance of X from that route - sorted by the distance along the route."

So At Start (and Pos 1): Report Pub 1,3 and Restaurant 1 (in that order with distance along the route).

At Pos 2: Pub 3 and Rest 1

At Pos 3: Rest 1

And this holds for any other pubs or Restaurants within the dashed area (wich gets smaller in length when progressing along the route).

I hope that helps ;-)Greetings, Ulrich.


It would also be nice if you can set a warning.
Example: I am on the road with the bike. I notice so that I get hungry and should eat something soon. I put a warning along the route (distance left and right. 1.5 km). Then I continue to drive, as soon as what is near I get a warning.
Or I want to look at the same on the map. I zoom out a bit and see my route 20 km ahead. In this case, it may be a lot of POI. I would like but so that restaurant, beer garden, cafe are highlighted something and are displayed larger. It could also have a red circle around it.

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