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POI categories missing!

Rita Teixeira shared this problem 12 years ago

Something weird came up with my locus app today. I`m using locus pro for almost a year now and I never had any problems with it.

Today as I way importing a pocket querie directly from zip file to locus I my smartphone crashed, reiniciated and then, when I went back to locus, I noticed that most of my POI categories (I had at least 15) were gone. Now I can only see 8 of them through the app.

I can still see their respective sqll and sqll-journal files on a file manager, however, but they refuse to appear back on the app.

Any bright ideas on how to make the categories appear again?

I`m using locus latest google play version on a Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo with android 2.3.4, by the way.

Replies (13)


Hello Rita,

only part of them? Usually when there are problems, it`s because of corrupted SD card, so all categories are done, not just part. Firstly I should try to reset device. This is best cure on most problems (and still most mysterious).

If this not help, try to add you categories manually back. So if you have file "sport.sqll", try to add category "Sport" in category list, which should connect new category with old sqll file.

Hope this will help. For now I have no idea why this happen. Anyway if non help, you may send me dbmain.sqll file (which keep links to all categories) and one of database file (for example sport.sqll) and I should check why "sport.sqll" do not appear in list


I reset it twice to be sure, and still nothing happened. Last night I tried to manually re-add some of the categories as you said, and what happened was that none of the said categories appeared, as did none of some new categories I tried to add.

How can I send you the files?


interesting. May you please also check if you don`t have any duplicate directory of Locus? There should be one on SD card, one in internal memory. Just an idea, anyway if such directories exists, that should be this problem.

Otherwise, I`ll need Locus/data/dbmain.sqll file (main container for list of categories) and also one of *.sqll from same directory that should be visible in list but isn`t. Please send me it on email I`ll check it tomorrow for sure. Thanks!


thank you for emails.

I did simple test. Deleted (moved) content of whole data directory and created new data directory with only two files from you. When I started Locus, in list of categories was list of around 15 categories. Only the "Viseu" contained data (rest display "No data in category"). Probably correctly displayed 1000 caches in this category so seems that dbMain and also Viseu files are correct.

So I`m sure there will be some problem with Locus directory. Please try to locate "Locus" directory on your card, rename "Data" directory to some other name ("data2" for example) and start Locus. You should see empty list of categories. If no, then for sure, Locus have some duplicite directory in your internal memory or somewhere in root of your card ...


Ok, so here`s what happened next: I renamed the data directory and opened locus as you said; the category page was blank ( except for favorites). Then I transfered all of the files from the renamed directory to the newly created data directory. When I started locus again the problem remained; only the same categories kept appearing, with most of them still missing.

Maybe you`re right when you said it might be a problem of corruption of the SD card. But this is the only app I`m having trouble with..


I`m sorry you have such troubles with it. It`s same mystery for me also :)

I`m not saying that your card is corrupted. Sometimes happen that Locus by some accident, create one directory "Locus" on card and one in internal memory. It`s then little bit mess ... but because when you renamed "data" directory, Locus was empty, it`s not your case.

You`re writing that 8 of around 15 categories is not working right? So around 7 categories contain points, rest 8 is empty when you tap on them? Also you send me category called "Viseu". This one (the file you send me) is also empty if you tap on it in Locus? I just want to be sure, I understand what is not working and what works.


just one info, that may be helpful for you. dbMain.sqll only contain list of categories. If you delete (or temporary rename) this file and then start locus, you`ll also see empty list. Then try to add new category, for example mentioned "Viseu". Locus will then check if database file with same name already exists and if so, this file will be used. Otherwise new empty will be created.


No, that`s not it. The categories are totally missing, they just don`t appear in the category`s list at all. So the problem isn`t that they are empty, but that they are missing entirely.

I tryed doing as you said, deleting dbMain.sqll and adding "Viseu" and other missing categories. Still the same, they just refuse to appear!


"refuse to appear" hmm ... so next try - may you please test this version?

if result will be same, i`ll need log from system. This can be taken for example by application CatLog. So you try to add category and if process will not be successful, end Locus, start CatLog and from menu choose save, send and send me please log. Uff, quite a mystery


Ok, so now this is what happened: I installed the version you sent me and using the original data directory (the one I was using when the problem occured) renamed the dbMain.sqll, started locus, added "Viseu" as a new category and tcharan! The category "Viseu" appeared with all of its information.

Then I tryed to do the same with the category "Lisboa", that was the one I was transfering the pocket querie to when the phone crashed.. and all the categories disappeared again, including favorites.

Perhaps this file got corrupted and is screwing it all.. I haven`t send you the Lisboa.sqll file because it`s to large to fit in a e-mail, it has over 2500 POIs. I`ll send you the log anyway.


thanks for logs

there are three errors that looks

android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabaseCorruptException: error code 11: database disk image is malformed

seems like to be quite common issue with database handling in Android as wrote for example here

as one of people wrote "the only way is to recreate the database." - I`m worried he`s correct. I`m just not sure which files are corrupted and why this happen.


Ok, problem solved ;) I deleted Lisboa.sqll and magically everything went back to normal!

Thanks for all your help!


so this one database was corrupted?? Hmm, do you have some backup for this file? If so, send me it please so I can do some checks and also notify users in case something like that happen. And glad it works! :)


It seems so, at least it was the only change I made looking back at the last tries. I`ll send it to you later using a file transfer service, as I said before, it`s a rather large file.

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