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Points are too much to the east

Don Alfonso shared this problem 9 years ago
Not a Problem

locos Version 3. 10

When I import Waypoins from a gpx file the point are 100km too far east. When I explore the place where they should have appeared, the coordinates are the same. When I change the coordinates in the data menu they will more a little onthemap but still way too much east. My gpx file is attached. You have to replace the suffix "txt" wit "gpx". Apperantly its not possible to upload qpx files..

Any help is appreciated.

Replies (2)


Good day Don,

I'm testing your file in a Google Earth and in Locus Map and points appear on exactly same place in both applications. Which map your are using in Locus? I'm testing it on a MapQuest classis and all seems to be correct.

For example point on screenshot below is new village "His" and it's same in both app.



I tried the import on my phone and it's the same problem. For instance take the point PY06 km 58,4. It should be at „Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port“ in Spain. Search for this village. It is located at

N 43°09.788' , E 01°14.287', more than 200km west of my waypoint.

In my file the coordinates are obviously not very precise, so I edit my waypoint by opening it in the data menu, change the coordinates to the correct setting and - it stays in the wrong place!

It is no matter of the map I use. It's the same on mapquest. I will go and test it on Google Earth too.


Point "PY06 km 58,4"

Values from gpx file: <wpt lat="43.153" lon="1.23533">

All seems to be correct.


I think I found the mistake. On looking at the itouchmap site I saw that west coordinates must have a minus (-) sign. With this little change all points seem to be correct.

Thank you very much for your help!

One more thing: Can you give me brief hints or send me a link to a site which explains how to make Tracks from all this waypoints?


Hmm fine, so first step done.

Making tracks/routes - I'm not expert on this as all routes do directly in Locus with this feature: , so hope you find it also useful.


Thank you very much. I found routeconverter, a java program, and it does the job very well. So long.

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