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Predefined waypoint creation

grin shared this idea 13 years ago

I very often record tracks of walking/hiking for OSM edits, and often it is needed to create a note for the position (as a waypoint) with really just the coordinates and some predefined data, like "bridge", "maxspeed 30" or "paths crossing".

It would be nice to be able to create a customised table (like an NxN matrix of icons or short texted buttons; preferably both the matrix size and the size of the buttons customizable, some people require only 4 buttons and others 25; probably making it scrollable would be useful as well :)) which could be invoked, one buttonpress and it would create a waypoint with the predefined data (like description, type, etc) and the table would disappear again, done. Fast, clean. (Probably along with record route activated.)

So I could walk, see a bridge:

1) switch on the screen (battery is my master)

2) press "open predefined waypoints table"

3) press "bridge" button

4) switch off screen

Replies (27)


For OSM editors goods helper.


ok, battery is your master ;-)

that`s why you don`t like the Description field !?

it takes tooo long time to write bridge and so on ?

Ok I can agree, it could take some time, especially if you are out in the nature....

But, a tip,use SwiftKey then you can use a kind of predefined words !

I use Swiftkey and write a lot in the Description field

Good luck



Zailor, no, it is because, for example, when I am speeding around 140 Km/h I do not really have the means to type any text on a mobile phone virtual keyboard. Or, for example, when I have to watch two kids not to kill themselves around, I have the same possibliity to type long sentences and alike: the virtual keys are extremely small and would require preicision not available at that time. :-)

And I am not a computer, I do not feel like typing "bridge" twenty times just for the sake of typing. My text editor uses macros, surprise, surprise. ;-)


nice idea.

# press the "add-track-point-button" pops up a list of icons + short description.

# select one and the icon (like POIs) is on the current track

load a saved track -> all the icons will be appear.

so i can see: in 100meters there comes a bridge...



Seems to me you are trying to accomplish a lot on the fly, especially at 140 km/h. You are trying to arrive at the end of your trip or track with a finished product. When a movie is produced, the only thing done on the fly is the actual filming (raw data). Then all of the editing, cutting, dubbing, titles and credits, etc, is done in the studio. Just about any digital camera has the capability to embed EXIF data in the image file, which can include time, date and GPS coordinates. That should give you enough information to later reconstruct your trip. If you took a picture of a bridge, you should be able to remember later that you had intended to name that waypoint as "bridge". I`m sure that Menion intends to eventually create a library of custom overlays that might include what you describe, but it surely would have to be an optional download.

If you follow the reviews for Locus Pro on the Android Market, you may have read several reviews recently that complained that Locus Pro is "becoming too complicated", and the reviewer wishes for Locus Pro to remain a "lean, core" app. I do not share that belief, I bought Locus Pro because I want features and capability. If one wants a "core" app, they should stick with Locus Free. I also have followed the other Locus Forum since it`s inception, and note that many of the features now incorporated in Locus came via user requests. Menion does a good job of protecting his app, by incorporating feature requests that make sense, and declining those which are frivolous.


>When a movie is produced, the only thing done on the fly is the actual filming (raw data).

a take begins with:

All the parts together define a film. :o)


What "grin" proposes does have possibilities. It is similar to "Street Views" for Google Maps. He could develop a new addon for Locus called "Customized Street Level Augmented Reality For Locus". Fun stuff!!


@Starman: Yes, a lot; some people actually do have the time to spend a week along a highway using a bike in the fields (I guess?) and map the bridges, streams and crossings; my observation is, however, that these theoretical people doesn`t exist in masses, since I happen to map lots of stuff on empty areas on OSM. It is one way to ignore it (Locus is not a product for OSM mappers) and the other is to support it. It is clearly choice of Menion, or anyone else intending to write a free (or included) plugin about it.

As your mention of "raw" data on the fly: I am happy you so completely understood my point. That`s exactly what I asked for: being able to create raw data, which later can be analysed. Putting a marker with a really short signature to be able to postpocess it. I have a few cams but they doesn`t seem to be "just about any camera" by your standards, since neither of them contain GPS and it is not trivial to make photos of still objects from a driven car. :-) You actually try to tell me how should *I* make my mapping activity, and believe me: it won`t work out well. Your methods aren`t my methods.

Optional download is fine as long as it isn`t payware; geocache modules probably similar to these OSM supporting modules.

People always complain, you shouldn`t base your life on satisfying _everybody_. Locus is already a pretty complex application and thus targets a specific audience. Probably the rest is satisfied with google maps. And this function would nicely fit the interface: we already have an add waypoint button.

It is nice that you support Menion in his decisions, and nice that you`ve shared your opinions on the matter. I hope it is okay if we disagree on some points. :-)

(So far I do not have any android app making it simple to do that: record route and put FAST markers. Locus is so far the only one I`ve purchased, so it seems logical that I write my feature request here, ain`t it?)


@grin. You make some valid points, they are well taken. And yes, it is possible to politely disagree on a forum, as that is what forums are for. I disagree with several of your points. You stated that "Locus is already a pretty complex application". As a retired Aeronautical Engineer and Airline Pilot, I do not find Locus complex. But then everything in life is relative. I would hate to see Menion dumb down Locus Pro to satisfy the lowest common denominator user.

You also alluded to operating a camera and a cellphone while driving at 140 km/hr. I have observed, here in the US, those vehicles collecting data for Google Street View. The vehicle always contained at least two occupants. One to drive, and a technician to operate the equipment. Safety would demand that.

You perhaps misinterpret my posts. I am not dismissing your idea. If your idea shows up some day as a custom overlay or addon, I would find that very admirable.


Indeed it`s not really wise to fiddle too much at 140 km/h but I have to make some compromise since my openstreetmap salary (which is zero USD minus tax) doesn`t really cover the support personnel. :-P The most I can do safety-wise is to have the functionality which doesn`t require much observation of the screen and requires as few as possible touches (preferably with low amount of aiming).

I must confess most of my touches would be done hiking and walking with family, at much lower speeds but not much more attention to spare. ;-) Typing waypoint descriptions and selecting 3 level of menus isn`t really convenient which sometimes results waypoints not to be recorded which in turn results mediocre results at mapping ("now where the heck did I cross that @#$%^&*! bridge?!").

I would be possible to use yet another app in parallel to locus, it`s possible, GPS is shared, but it uses up twice the energy from the already hard-working battery.

And of course this isn`t a blocker for me, in fact I cannot really come up with any other wishlist item right now. (I do not use Locus for car navigation so I won`t go on suggesting features OSMand already have.)


This feature I missed last summer. So I had to add these marks afterwards:

Thumbs up for this idea.


Hi Guys,

this is most wanted "Idea" right? So let`s do something with it ...

so, instead of just discussion, let`s start from something already created (yesterday and today so don`t expect it in market version :) )

1. button for right panel, that call "Quick new point" function

2. possibility to "Add new definition"

3. and finally grid with existing definitions. Grid is created as max three items at row and unlimited number of rows. Maybe I`ll increase it to four per row as there is no need to have icons too big


so that`s what is done and working now. Hope you like it

anyway some questions remain for me

1. is important ability to rearrange items? I have no experience with some drag&drop mechanism but here should be useful right? (useful but really necessary?)

2. what about using some patterns on names. I think it`s also important, so is pattern for time (same as in geocaching field notes) enough?


nice, u ask - and say its done ;)

lets have a look...

btw. "dogs for free" sounds funny ;o)

beer for free, hamburger for free, dogs for free hehe


it`s just vegan`s "joke" ...(for example , ah but here are not "dogs for free", maybe just after expiry date ;) )

anyway, you mean creating "categories" for packs of predefined waypoints? Hmm do you really think you`ll have more ten let`s say 20 points and you`ll need to organize them into categories?


It`s only an idea - you are the boss. For me, i need only one page 4 x 4 without a description. i know which symbol i must select.


understand. For now, first version created and fully working. Names support {c} tab which will be replaced by (current number of points in category + 1), anyway you`ll see it in release version


Here we go.

Have no time to test in real yet. But i think the icons are a little bit to small - i can`t see QUICK enough with my old eyes :)

Testreport coming soon...




hmm looks you set just "space" as name so you have icons without name :)

so I created name just optional and when you don`t set it, icon will grow to full height of button as on screenshot. So if you don`t want names below icons, you will have bigger icons itself ...


?? hm

"name of definition" is a mandatory field!


not in new version ... by "so I created name just optional" I mean, that I created it optional now, this morning, as a response to your post ;)


fine - and now we need to rearrange items.

edit the file .quick_add_point.dat is not a good idea.

maybe if you work with standard characters

"drag&drop" or "swap" is not necessary.

a simply "insert/add on this place" should be ok.

what you think?


that`s what I was worried :))

drab & drop is something I really want to learn and this is nice place for start ...


hrhrhr so let`s start your engine, sir.


1. found hopefully last stupid issue with icons in last version (incorrect or sometimes none icon when point is not highlighted) - FIXED (sorry)

2. added useful drag&drop feature (works only on A3.0+)


If you need more training you could add support for rearrange the items in the right panel.





hmm I`m not sure if it`s so useful in case of right panel. Don`t know from whom was idea "just arrows up / down" but maybe it should be more useful. Anyway I had enough training, it`s quite simple :)

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