Presets: Disallow "Center map" without "Rotate map"

Ingo Rau shared this idea 7 years ago
Gathering feedback

As we all (should) know, "Shift map screen center" works only when "Rotate map" is on. Therefore I suggest that in presets, the switch "Rotate map" switch should be always on when "Center map" is off. Otherwise it's very confusing to allow a preset that is not consistent in itself.

Replies (7)


Hi Ingo,

I don't understand why centering map should be disallowed without map rotation. E.g. I don't use map rotation at all and map centering is an essential command in Locus for me. You write about "shift map center" possible only with map rotation - that is understandable but the title of your idea is not.


The presets are confusing here: Whereas in the "normal" settings, there is "Shift map center", in the presets it is "Center map", the exact opposite. So "Center map = OFF" equals "Shift map center = ON" - at least as far as I understand it and from what I saw trying it out: When I activate a preset with "Center map = OFF", the map shifts down and the quick button "Shift map center" gets activated. And vice versa.


"Center map" is not an opposite to "Shift map center". "Center map" is telling Locus "put my GPS position on the map cursor position". "Shift map center" tells Locus "move the map cursor down to 1/4 of the screen" - this map screen cursor position is possible only when map rotation is on.


But it has the exact opposite effect, as I wrote above. At least that's what I experience - perhaps there is some other situation where they behave differently, but in my tests it was exactly as I wrote: When I activate a preset with "Center map = OFF", the map shifts down

and the quick button "Shift map center" gets activated. And vice versa. If turning off one switch it activates another and vice versa, they must be opposites, what else?


Ingo, I've tested it a couple times but I can't simulate the situation you describe - when I activate a preset with "Center map = OFF", the map stays as it is, only map-centering button is not highlighted.


OK, I'm eternally sorry, I totally overlooked that there's an explicit preset setting "Shift map screen center". It's just much further up, that's why I didn't see it.

So forget about the "Center map" switch - but my "complaint" is the same: If "Shift map screen center" is activated, "Rotate map" should be fixed to ON. And I wonder why "Shift map screen center" is in another section in the presets - to me, they belong together...


Hi Ingo, you're right - "Shift map screen" should be associated with map rotation if it is dependent - in Locus settings there is a alert displayed when you set "shift map screen" - should be in presets too. And, of course, should be in the same preset part - @Menion monitors this topic as well so I hope he'll not miss it.


This would be possible if presets were created the way I recommended in my topic "Creating and using presets".

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