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Problem autoload openandromaps v4 vectormaps at app start

c.s.g. shared this problem 5 years ago

I made a litte video showing my problem with autoload openandromaps v4 vectormaps at app start.

"Einstellungen --> Karten --> Offline Karten --> Automatische Kartenumschaltung bei Bereichswechsel" is set.

"Germany South ML" and "Germany North ML" are openandromaps V4.


(01.) Start Locus Pro 3.38.6

(02.) Vektormap "Germany South ML" is active

(03.) Select a geocache in area "Germany South ML" and show it on map

(04.) Select a geocache in area "Germany North ML" and show it on map

(05.) "Germany South ML" is still the active map

(06.) Leave Locus Pro

(07.) Remove Locus Pro from memory

(08.) Start Locus Pro 3.38.6 again

(09.) Geocache n area "Germany North ML" but no map is shown at startup

(10.) Change "Germany South ML" to "Germany North ML" manually

(11.) Everything is ok for the moment

(12.) Select a geocache in area "Germany South ML" and show it on map

(13.) Everything look ok, although "Germany North ML" is still the active vector map

(14.) Leave Locus Pro

(15.) Remove Locus Pro from memory

(16.) Start Locus Pro 3.38.6 again

(17.) Geocache in area "Germany South ML" but no map is shown at startup

(18.) Change "Germany North ML" to "Germany South ML" manually

(19.) Everything is ok for the moment



Replies (4)


Unrelated: In the data manager you can tap the symbol of tracks or points... to the left... and it will open the map there. No need to go via track/point details screen.


Good day c.s.g,

thank you for this very precise bug report. I see here two problems:

Current active (based on visible selection) map

What you see is a perfectly correct behavior. Well, little different than in the previous version, agree. The app needs one main map and all other maps are "attached" to this base map. In the case of working auto-loading, which map is the base one, should cause no serious difference. In future, if there will be interest, I may fake a little this "active map", but again > it should not make a difference.

Autoloading itself

This is more interesting. I was able to simulate it and the issue is caused by simple race: autoloading was faster than the task that prepares map theme and autoloading failed. I believe I've fixed it, anyway better test also on different devices. So please let me know if in next version 3.38.7 (within few days) will still be this problem. Thanks!



Hi Menion,

Current active (based on visible selection) map

If this is the perfectly correct behavior, it is more than ok for me ;-).

Autoloading itself

With version 3.38.7 issue is fixed and works as expected now.




from a technical point of view correct, from UX (usability) point of view not. But technically it is little more complicated, but I'm aware of it and will be looking for a solution.

And the fixed issue, perfect, thanks!


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