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Problem with Locus Store

Hallgeir Gjesdal shared this problem 9 years ago

I am not able to download any theme from the Locus Store. Get a "Failed" message every time when checking ongoing downloads. Even the purchased Hiking theme will not download.

Can download icons without problem. Is it just a temporarily hickup?

Note 3 (Android 5.0)

Locus Pro (3.10.3)

Vector map folder on SD card

Replies (4)



the problem is caused due to write permission of your Android. Locus can not write data to the SDcard and for this reason is not possible to download the themes. I can only suggest following workaround:

- Please change the folder for vector maps back to default (internal memory) location.

- Download the themes

- Move themes to the Sdcard

- and change the folder for vector maps to SDcard

However I suggest to have dir for vector maps in default internal memory and use solution described in section C of article

It allows to have vector maps on SDcard but also download new maps and themes into internal memory.


Thank you for your quick respond, sir!

Will follow your advice... as allways :-)


Now everything is good!

My wrong action was to change default directory (/mapsVector/) to SD-card folder.

Changed to Default...restarted....BAM...downloading work!


Edited for clarifying..


I'm sorry for it. We'll try to little bit improve definition of folder in case that folder has not permission for writes.

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