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Question about co app GPS Status & Toolbox

c.s.g. shared this question 6 years ago


I am just playing arround with Locus Pro 3.31.0 and the co app GPS Status & Toolbox on my Samsung Galaxy Note 4 running Android 6.0.1 Stock ROM. Therefore I add the co app in the right button panel of the Locus map main screen.

No I have expected that when I press this button of the co app the corresponding waypoint name and the corresponding coordinates are send to the co app as parameters if guidiance is turned on to that waypoint as it is if i select the "internal" compass of Locus Pro via the right panel. But "only" the co app is started without any info from Locus Pro.

Do I understand here something wrong? Or do I handle this the wrong way?


Replies (2)



it works as you described it. App button in function panel just starts the app, nothing else. If you want to guide with the app, use "navigation" button in the point detail and select the app (Radar in case of GPS Status)



thanks for the info ....

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