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Quick switch to hide/show all LoMaps objects?

Lucas Heiss shared this question 5 years ago

Dear Locus team,

The switch Menion was describing in the thread is an important feature to me, especially in regions with many items (like near my home, see screenshot).

Unfortunately it works only temporarily. As soon as I move the map all items are visible again.

Would it be possible to implement an option in the config.cfg file like "remove visible items temporarily: 0; toggle between visible and invisible: 1"?

Furthermore, imho the following question to confirm the number of objects to hide could be left out, because it's not about deleting objects, just about hiding, so it's not dangerous, but saving unnecessary clicks :)



Replies (4)


Good day Lucas,

based on your screenshot, major problem for you are small "points of interest" that comes directly from downloaded LoMap right?

There is a small hidden button that allows disabling these points. Check menu > more > Points of interest > and in top three-dot toolbar menu, disable "Display on map".

Does it help?


Dear Menion,

wow – that was exactly what I was looking for – great! Thank you very much for your time and your answer!

Great piece of software! :)

Best, Lucas



It is not an ideal solution. It was made a few years ago as a temporary solution. Anyway whole "points of interests" needs a bigger update so it is for now left there.

Glad it works, have a nice day!


Good to read that! Looking forward to the upcoming innovations! 👍

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