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Reduce data in exported GPX files

joeloc shared this idea 8 years ago

I recently noticed that exported gpx files have become huge and gpx export is quite slow. Since I deal with lots of that stuff, I was wondering if Locus could offer options to not include unwanted data there. Especially the course gpxtpx:TrackPointExtension for each point at least triples(!) each gpx file in size.

I would go with a single config file option instead of GUI, since this is likely something that only geeks might be interested in:

gpx_export_items = "elevation|time|course|pdop"; // include everything (like now)

gpx_export_items = "elevation|time"; // include only elev and time

gpx_export_items = ""; // just the points latlng, nothing else

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Replies (5)


Export as gpx 1.0 ? Leaves latitude, longitude, altitude, time pdop course, removes extensions.


I will give it try. "course" is the one thing tripling gpx file size though, because it comes super chatty in the spec. Like 80 Bytes extra per point or so.


Ok... 1.0 does make sense indeed. It will simply do course as a normal short tag, as opposed to 1.1 with a whole bunch of noise characters around. I wonder if that's really necessary for 1.1 mode... couldn't it also use the short version for course?

Anyway... thanks for the hint. That helps.









equals 1MB vs 500kB in one of my typical Tracks.


Hi joeloc, 0709,

good point with GPX version 1.0. I personally think that difference between 500 kb and 1 MB is so unimportant in todays mega/giga sizes, so it do not worth to spend time on it. Mainly if we have a GPX v1.0.


It is important for me, because I keep uploading them to my server a few times each day. And its a pita with roaming fees and gprs speeds :).

But ok... I can deal fine with gpx 1.0... that was a good hint. way less chatty. Just wondering if course really needs to be an extension in 1.1... is the course tag specifically forbidden then?


I also put up this topic to maybe streamline and speed up gpx export in general... should it ever be used to autosync data with buddies and other devices as just suggested in the cloud thread.


Main help here should be pack to zip file. It saves more then removing few tags. GPX v 1.0 in zip is best solution ;).

And sync ... well, this is another story.

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