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Render grassland in vector maps

myneur shared this idea 8 years ago

It seams to me natural=grassland is not rendered in vector maps. It should be rendered the same way or similarly as landuse=medow. Eg. Zabaged render it a bit yellowish than grass if you want to differentiate.

The grassland is not a cultivated meadow with typically with a long grass and flowers nor a mowed and managed grass field, but just a place where a wild grass dominates without being managed.

I've tried to modify the next style and its parent but nothing is shown so it looks like the tag is not supported:

<rule e="way" k="landuse|natural" v="meadow|grass|grassland" style="hiking|cycle">

Replies (2)



you're right natural=grassland is not supported at this moment and new generation of map is needed. However I agree with idea > implemented. But it'll be available in next months with new version of the maps.

Thank you


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