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Reset GPS when lost signal (turn on/turn off)

kreczet shared this idea 9 years ago


To the Lost item, you can add an option to let your phone at the beginning of the try he turn on the GPS?

My phone sometimes lost the range itself, going into the satellite I have the message "no satellite", then just turn on and turn off the gps and everything returns to normal. Unfortunately, sometimes I can not hear the alarm about lost itemsbecause I have a phone on the handlebars.

Replies (15)


hmm and what's the idea now behind?

(It's a little bit difficult to understand your words)


>...turn off the gps and everything returns to normal.

turn off gps is "normal" usage for you?


It's a typical problem for Xperia necessary. Sometimes accidentally loses the GPS signal - for no reason. Just switch off and immediately turn on the GPS receiver and the signal is restored.

Je to typický problém třeba u XperieM. Náhodně ztratí někdy signál GPS - úplně bezdůvodně. Stačí vypnout a hned zapnout GPS přijímač a signál se obnoví.


Ah, so it's a "problem" instead of an "idea".

@support. plz change topic label and delete my first peply :)


Hello guys,

from what you both wrote, it looks more like an issue in Xperia devies, then issue in Locus, right?

Notification on "lost GPX fix" works in this case? If so, then setting some loud melody should helps here I think.


It's certainly not the fault Locus, but Xperia. Therefore, it probably colleague did not enter into trouble. I tried to use use the setup / gps / auto-off but somehow I do not want to work. So I wrote it by audible repeated notifications losses GPS signal. When it some time to recover, I have to stop and manually turn on / off GPS.

Rozhodně to není chyba Locusu, ale Xperie. Proto to asi kolega nezařadil do problémů. Já jsem na to zkoušel použít použít nastavení/gps/auto-off ale to mi nějak nechce fungovat. Takže to řeším výrazným zvukovým opakovaným oznámením Ztráty signálu GPS. Když se to do nějaké doby nevzpamatuje, musím zastavit a ručně vypnout/zapnout GPS.


Thanks Josef, understand.

In such case, I'm not sure, how may I help here. Creating any specific feature that will automatically restart GPS in Locus ... hm, I'm not a big fan of such "improvements". Mainly because till now, no body reported this issue, so it looks it may be issue on just certain device & Android version?

"GPS auto-off" feature is not made for such use-case, but I think it should work. You wrote that "it do not want to work". What does it mean? Locus do not turn on/off GPS by defined interval?


It was a suggestion to add such a feature and not a problem with the application.

Sometimes the GPS works great for 60 km and sometimes lost the signal in open terrain and need to reset it.


I agree, if there is a problem only for Xperia is pointless to add new functionality. I found that failures are most evident when the CPU overhead Xperia, so I run Locus in flight mode. So I have very little downtime. But it probably turn causes malfunction of the auto-off. Whilst it is always properly turn off a GPS, but it does not reappear and the route is recorded.

Souhlasím, pokud to je problém jen u XperieM tak nemá smysl přidávat novou funkci. Zjistil jsem, že výpadky se nejvíce projevují když se zatíží procesor Xperie, proto provozuji Locus v režimu Letadlo. Tak mám výpadků jen velmi málo. Ale asi to zase způsobuje nefunkčnost auto-off. Vždy to totiž sice správně vypne GPSku, ale už ji znovu nezapne a trasa se nezaznamená.



Not sure what your xperia do with Locus and it's connection to GPS, but try this settings for GPS auto-off feature:

GPS auto-off: true

GPS update interval: 10 s

Min. accuracy: 1 m

Max search time: 3600 s

Keep auto-off enabled: false

This should force Locus to turn on/off GPS once per hour (search time parameter). GPS should be enabled for a whole time, because Locus will be searching for location with accuracy better then 1m which won't probably happen.

I have never tried such settings, but I think it should work.


Min. accuracy less than 10 gives Locus error message. Can Min. accuracy "minimum" be reduced in next version to 1 then? I generally measure accuracy of 9m so what does this mean if I use your suggested settings? When GPS signal is "lost" Locus displays the accuracy as "-" - does this mean infinity?

Can someone else test this? After the search time is exceeded and the GPS is auto-turned-off does it then remain off for the GPS update interval? I set Max. search time to 60s (as a test so not waiting so long) but Ididn't see "Disabled" or "Enabled" message boxes to suggest auto-off feature was working. Also appears the main screen GPS icon is not always refreshed to indicate true state.


Testing ...

1. Keep auto-off enabled: false... sorry, correctly should be "true", so this settings works even if map screen is visible

2. 10 seconds - correct. But for this purpose is required minimal value, so reduced to 1 second to next version

3. do not expect "disabled"/"enabled" notification. Instead of this, watch GPS icon in device top system status bar


On the way to lunch, I tried this customized settings. It looks good, GPS is already not shut down after takeoff. I'll test the functionality of a long cycling and hiking in and let you know how it turns out.

CZ: Cestou na oběd jsem vyzkoušel tohle upravené nastavení. Vypadá to dobře, GPS se už po startu nevypíná. Dlouhodobě budu testovat funkčnost na kole i při turistice a dám vědět jak to dopadlo.


Yesterday I have tested when cycling, but unfortunately it is not working. In essence, the recorded points only when lit display. When the lights are out, the route recorded. I try to attach a GPX file.

CZ: Včera jsem to ještě testoval při jízdě na kole, ale bohužel to nefunguje. V podstatě se zaznamenají body jen když je rozsvícený displej. Při zhasnutém se trasa nezaznamená. Zkusím příložit GPX soubor.


"3. do not expect "disabled"/"enabled" notification. Instead of this, watch GPS icon in device top system status bar" - I have noticed that this icon is not always refreshed properly when return to main map screen. It is always correct after return from GPS status screen.


Hmm interesting, have to try it. Because logically this function should solve your problem. Btw. by top system bar, I was talking about top bar where you have a clock, battery and notification.


Thanks for the advice, when it stops raining and I can go nakole, I'll try. Certainly I write here as a result of knowledge for others.

Díky za radu, až přestane pršet a budu moct vyjet nakole, vyzkouším. Určitě sem napíšu výsledek jako poznatek pro ostatní.


and result Josef?


Pro mě to nefunguje . Po zapnutí GPS před odjezdem a před jízdou , toto nastavení se vypne a již zapnout. Trasa bude nevšimne . Ale možná je to fakt, že jsem používat telefon v režimu Letadlo , takže váš telefon neuznává , že jsem se přestěhoval. Ale to je jen domněnka .

U mne to nefunguje. Když zapnu GPS před výjezdem tak než vyjedu, tohle nastavení ji vypne a už nezapne. Trasa se vůbec nezaznamená. Možná je to ale tím, že používám telefon v režimu Letadlo a tak telefon nepozná, že jsem se už pohnul. Ale to je jen domněnka.


I notice my topic just got "merged" with this one. It seems a merger just means the topic is deleted and hopefully votes merged. That would be OK except the work I did writing it is now deleted, including my observation that track recording is also stopped when the GPS signal is lost, and not restarted when GPS signal is subsequently reacquired. A better merger would copy those comments into this topic stream.


Text of merged topic is still visible for me. Unfortunately for unknown reason is not visible for all users ... I have to ask why (I wanted to do this already before, but always forget, so thanks) ... done:


Hello guys,

based on discussion with Andrew in different topic , I've decided to implement this request.

New method:

  • Locus is receiving GPS locations and now it gets valid GPS fix (valid location)
  • if time since last received GPS fix will be 60 seconds, Locus perform two actions
  • 1. Notify on "GPS lost" - if enabled ( already implemented for some time )
  • 2. disable and after few milliseconds enable back internal GPS receiver which will simulate your "turn off / turn on" action performed directly in Locus satellite screen.

If some of you still had this problem with your device, let me know few months later, if issues no more happen. Hope it will help.


Super, to se bude na Xperii hodit!


Bravo Menion. I will be using Locus Pro every day cycle touring for June & July, so will be extensively testing and enjoying your good work.



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