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Route planner does not work in Phoenix OS

Cat_Turbo shared this problem 6 years ago


I'm using the actual Locus Map Pro (3.31.2) version on my phone and also in phoenix OS (3.0.1) for desktop use. First thanks you for the developping of locus, it is really a very good piece of software.

Phoenix OS is an Android version, based on android nougat, which works on intel x86 processors. In general the performance of locus in phoenix os is very good, it is even faster than on my phone. But as soon as I enter in the route planner menu, the screen isn't refreshed anymore. It is always the same map tile which is shown, with online cards but also with offline cards (I've tried the official locus map for Switzerland from the store and also the maps from openandromaps).

The map from the route planner is loaded, but when I try to change the zoom or to move the card, nothing happens. But when I go back, I see that the map was moved (for exemple I move the map in the route planner to the left, nothing changes, but when I exit the route planner I see that the map was moved to the left). When I change a setting which is relevant for the GPU (it works with all GPU settings, for exemple hardware accelerated rendering) in the developper setting of phoenix os, the route planner fonctions for the acutal session, but as soon as I restart locus maps it doesn't work again, although the GPU setting is still changed.

Thanks you for a fix for this bug.

If something is not clear, please contact me.

Replies (2)


I'm sorry, I've made a little error with the locus version, the version which is concerned is 3.31.3 and not 3.31.2.

Additionally I've made a little test with Phoenix OS 1.5 which is based on Android 5.1. There it the route planner in locus (version 3.31.2) seems to work without problem.


Good day Cat_Turbo,

thank you for a very precise description of your problem. I expect that on your phone, it works correctly right?

I do not want to write directly, that we are not interested in fixing bugs in app, because it is not true. In this case, it seems to be some really specific issue most probably based on the current version of Phoenix OS. On all known devices, this feature works without a problem. Installing same Phoenix OS on own computer to fix this problem, seems little overkill to me.

Only idea I have that we may try, is to create a debug log immediately after you open Route planner and move little with me. To do this, follow these steps. Anyway I really can't promise that in log will be anything useful and that I'll be able to solve this.

Thank you for understanding.

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