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Samsung Galaxy Tab3 GT-P5210 crashes

Nils-Erik Östman shared this problem 7 years ago


Is there any known problem with that pad and Locus? My Galaxy crashes 1 to 5 times every hour when I use Locus. Pro or Free makes no difference. I have also tried a lot of different settings without any success.

I have done factory reset on the pad but the situation is not improving.

Here, Sygic and Google works without any problems but I would prefer to use Locus since it has som many nice




Replies (9)


Good day Nils,

I'm sorry to read about such troubles. In this case, may I ask for a log created by this method right after crash happen?

How to:

I really hope, in log will be something useful. Thank you!



I managed to generate a log and has sent it to you. I hope that you can get any answers to my problem.




Good day Nils,

thank you for a log! Unfortunately for my own surprise, in log is only visible information that "Locus Map was terminated", but there are completely missing logs with crash/reason itself, which is quite uncommon.

Is there any activity that always perform crash of Locus Map during usage? I'm asking because usually best how to solve any problem is to be able to simulate same issue on my own device. So if crash happen always after certain steps, I would like to know. If it's quite random, it may be a problem.

I may suggest to experiment little bit if possible. You should start with using different type of maps. If you use LoMaps ( or any vector maps ), I may suggest to stay with some online map or any downloaded ( from online ) raster map. Maybe I sound too technical, feel free to ask.

I may also suggest to temporary limit features you use, like less points/tracks on the map, disabled hillshading, disabled map overlay etc. ( if you use anything from this of course ). Thanks for a trying and sorry for a complications.


Good day Menion,

Sorry to hear of the useless log! Maybe I didn't perform the task in the right manner. I'll try again next week.

I have already done a lot of experiments with all kind of settings and maps. Always the same result.

If I start Locus and leave the pad on my desk attached to charger it "never" crashes, at least not for 24 hours or so.

I have tried with and without navigation set to a target. Nothing happens as long as the pad is laying stable on the desk.

In my motorhome or car the app crashes at any time from 2-3 minutes after start to 30-40 minutes. Totally random!

I never perform any action with Locus, I just drive on.

I have tried with MapQuest and Brouter, same result.

Mabye I have som very odd hardware faliure in my Galaxy.

As I said earlier works Here and Sygic but that is of course no guarantee that my Galaxy is healty.

I will try to generate Another log after the next crash. If that log is useless too, I'll get me another pad.

On my phone, OnePlus One, everything works like a dream using the same maps and so on

Thank you for a great support!



Good day Nils,

I'm sorry to hear this. In log was clear visible error message that app crash, but usually before this is few lines with so called "stacktrace" > few lines that explain why this happen, and here is nothing.

It is really impossible to fix something, if in log is no useful information and if there is no method how to simulate same issue on another ( best on my own ) device.

Anyway please try it once more. Maybe you should wait on second crash in row, so there will be bigger chance that something useful will be available in log. Btw what Android version is on your device? Thanks!


Android version is 4.4.2 not rooted or tampered in any way.

I managed to make Locus crash only by waling around with the pad in hand.

This time I'm sure that I generated the bugreport in the right manner.

If there is no useful information in the file again we close this case and I buy me another pad.

Tnx again.



Good day Nils,

thank You for a second log. Unfortunately situation is the same. Issue is definitely not in method how you create a log. In log is clear information that Locus Map was terminated, but there is completely missing information why this happen!

To be true, I do not know what exactly do now. Without more precise information what happen in your device, I'm unable to say if it's possible to fix it or not. And because it is not possible to create a log with useful information ...

Buying another device is exactly option I really don't like, so if there is an option to fix it, I choose it. Anyway here is a problem. Sorry for a bad news, when I find something that may help, I'll definitely let you know. Thank you for understanding.


Good day Menion,

I found a workaround solution for my problem! I installed a lineage14.1 ROM so now I am running 7.1.2 Nougat on my old Galaxy. Works perfect with Locus, no crashes! Locus also works in split screen with other apps.


Good day Nils,

this is really really welcome information for me :). I have very positive experience with previously existing CyanogenMode rom, so hope, LineAge will follow it's quality. Thank you for an information and enjoy fast device & working Locus Map!

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