Saving cached WMS tiles

PawelS shared this idea 9 years ago
Gathering feedback


I've read 3 years old topic Offline WMS maps.

Menion: ,,WMS Terms of use are generally as pajaku wrote: "you can use it only as WMS service or inside web browser. It`s a legal thing not technical problem" "

I've used some WMS servers and I don't remember any Terms and Conditions.

,,till anyone provide me some WMS service that exactly say "yes, you can download X tiles from our server per day without any problems" , I`ll not do it for sure. "

To display this tiles, like is now possible in Locus, they have to be downloaded to mobile so I propose adding an option to save already downloaded tiles for off-line use. It could be done by some WMS recording mode to save only this what is browsed - WYSIWCS (What You See Is What Can Save). Once saved it would eliminate need for next downloading the same WMS data by the same user.

Thank you for great program.

Replies (2)


Menion, my idea is not a duplicate of above one. I want to change temporary viewing cache of (already downloaded) tiles into permanently saved tiles as a new layer.


Yes I understand this, but reasons why I do not want to do this are still same as you probably already read here : . I'm aware we are talking here only about "permanent cache", not a directly downloading, but mainly "change of tile when some layer in selection of layers change", is still quite serious reason against this solution for me.


I don't understand it. Do you mean that URL of tile changes when some layer in selection of layers of one WMS change? I propose recording mode so tile URLs would be as they were recorded during browsing on line but I think it would mean use of no-WMS mechanism for browsing off line. To cache anything it has to be downloaded first anyway.


"Do you mean that URL of tile changes when some layer in selection of layers of one WMS change?" - exactly! Every selected layer is an extra parameter in URL used for downloading tile. So when some layer change, this URL change also. Because of this, caching of WMS maps is not very useful mainly in case, map has more layers which you often change.

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