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Shape Point transfer by gpx

0709 shared this idea 5 years ago

EXPORT and IMPORT of Shape Points exclusively to be used in the Locus (re)PLANNER(all) !

Locus route priority (auto)recalculate method generally works more performant now. So the steering (PLANNER) Shape Points are more important than ever before.

Large(r) screen (trim)design by Tablet<>Pc<>Phone, easy exchange by intermediate gpx file (dropbox) do not support Shape Point transfers.

In attached rte_navrtept gpx file find <type>Shape at rtept 40.

Import gpx into Locus. No need to select merge points with track ! * Free selection !

According to the direct route rules by Beta Locus actually promotes this into Via Point.

To do: Locus detects by <type>Shape this to be a Shape Point.

IMPORT adaption is probably relatively simple, but Locus should also EXPORT into rte format.

* Free ! Attached in gpx is also one simple non directional (isolated) wpt/poi point. Simple wpt's (poi's) do not serve any route directional navigation activity

Best Answer

Sadly I've only just come across this suggestion.

@menion said 13 months ago "why you consider as important to transfer also shaping points over GPX? Because once route is saved in route planner, shaping point no longer exists and have absolutely no effect on navigation system!"

Why save shaping points? Surely better to reverse the question and ask "Why discard potentially valuable user input"? One good reason would be if I save the route as a GPX, then reimport later, maybe years later, or share with someone else, the shaping points are lost, and so recalculation of the route is no doubt seriously compromised.

Check out the recent Kurviger app which does a far better routing in this regard.

Replies (1)


Good day Willy,

why you consider as important to transfer also shaping points over GPX? Because once route is saved in route planner, shaping point no longer exists and have absolutely no effect on navigation system!

The second point is that some kind of "web planner" is more and more in our internal discussions and we probably start work on this in next months, so the process of plan & transfer of routes between web & devices should be really simplified. At least I believe it will be :).



True, has no effect in navigation system itself.

But design and plan at larger tablet screen > transfer by gpx > later (if necessary) continue (fine tune) at phone (mobile). Or by gpx simply connect both (many) Locus databases.

Same issue excist with B-router gpx output. a chatty (= no dictate) comment now.

Absolutely a very nice and fantastic BRouter web application, but not designed to transfer and keep the original Shape points after import into Locus map.

By the way. About web applications.

I know, commenting other developper development. However @ Arndt = positive (improve) comment !

For new users it is not obvious that for a succefull gpx navigation transfer you need to edit select/upload into the Brouter web settings (Locus = 2). Brrr...a nerdy method ? No ?

A discouraging first bad experience sometimes I think.

Could be more simple (and the only one standard) by the direct rte system. Always transfer routes (rte) inclusive the nav and shape and or even add simple TTS "silent" Via Points. (<type>Via)

Later when more experienced user add customised TTS announced Via Points by name, comment, sym. Yes, agree, for (gps) nerds only ;-)


Good day Willy,

as I think, putting whole "Route planner" configuration into GPX is doable, but it really really edges of functionality > that should really be covered by some kind of web planner. With a usable web planner, also Arndt's Brouter web planner should not be needed.

Thanks for understanding.


Future (Locus) webplanner ? Any other candidate ?

Info rte_navrtept export >

Okido. = Idea closed ;-)


Sadly I've only just come across this suggestion.

@menion said 13 months ago "why you consider as important to transfer also shaping points over GPX? Because once route is saved in route planner, shaping point no longer exists and have absolutely no effect on navigation system!"

Why save shaping points? Surely better to reverse the question and ask "Why discard potentially valuable user input"? One good reason would be if I save the route as a GPX, then reimport later, maybe years later, or share with someone else, the shaping points are lost, and so recalculation of the route is no doubt seriously compromised.

Check out the recent Kurviger app which does a far better routing in this regard.


Andrew, you expressed this perfectly. ;-)

In the meantime my idea has evolved a little. Locus automatically promotes points with a sym that do not contain the Locus standard [EN] sym text for turns in Via Point.

This method may not be so obvious for many Locus users and certainly not for the new or non Locus users.

However, by explicitly naming not only the Shape but also the Via points by means of the free gpx Type element, this is completely and 100% clear.

Incidentally, adding the instructions can be done with a track even more discreetly and compatible, without conflict with existing apps or programs.

The method with a direct route which is already possible for demo import in Locus is much less compatible, there is usually some conflict with already existing apps and programs.

Find simple example track attached.

Easily parse the method with either Notepad ++ or better still, use the pc program gpx editor.

As for Kurviger. The auto-routing navigation imo has recently become remarkably good, due to the smart use of both shape and via points AND especially the lack of too many return suggestions, but instead quickly offers a good forward rerouting alternative. This product is still under further development but is clearly limited to optimization for (road) motorbiking, no auto screen on_off, not for hikers, cyclists and certainly not suitable for off-road (mtb) trajects. With the recent development they are however approaching very quickly at a fast train pace. Oh ... excuse Motorbike speed.


Regarding navigation instructions attached in track points as introduced in the previous post.

A small follow-up update can be found here.

The earlier experimental method with instructions in rte routepoints test has ended and not further supported.

Anyway discretely introduced, appending instructions in trackpoints is now perfectly supported at a Locus import.

Notice the Shaping Point transfer proposal using gpx files is not supported, as this idea has been rejected.

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