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Share a track as my (customized) screenshot

Joachim Buhl shared this idea 8 years ago

Additional function for sharing track records on WhatsApp, as picture and so on.

With customizable content would be nice.

Replies (15)


Hopefully with an option for a "real" map (not just some thumbnail) with the track. Right now, it's always a little fiddly with the screenshot function of just the right area...



@Ingo - an example would be nice.


Something like this?



Like it. If it's possible to leave out some values, like eg. calories, or number of points (not really interesting imho), it would be perfect.


For me(!) too much values and map is a small thumbnail.

A long trip will results in a red line on colored background. period.

What about two pages? or one double page? A full size screenshot + descriptions/values


Yes, right direction. What about 2 pages, for this amount of data - OR overlay on full size map with data in an alien color (like dashboard)


Well, it looks like too many wishes, too many options ... size, colors, content, uff.

I spend this morning on this feature as it seems that latest version is better then I expected and I have some free time. Here is a result. Looks good, but main question for me is now: where this will be used? For print on paper? Well, it's ok then. For sharing on some web services? Then isn't this screen too big? (size is defined as 1.5 x A4 paper in 200DPI = 2481x2339px, cca 600kb)



I like this very much. Don't make it smaller (pictures can always be resized...)!

After mountain tours, I share my pictures with the other participants, and also my recorded tracks, but many of them don't have the "sophisticated" means to analyse all this. One overview like this that I can add without having to work half an hour ondoing the right screenshots etc., that's exactly what I need. I can also do without any further customization - doesn't matter that much if there are "unnecessary" values.

Only exception: It should be an option to not display waypoints (neither in map nor in altitude diagram) - sometimes there are quite a lot and they may clutter the map.


nice work !

And how it will looks on smaller devices - like on your S2?

...and good point from ingo

but i think it's more on user

because you will get what you see.

isn't it?


On smaller devices it will be terrible. Well you will have to zoom a lot :). Anyway main reason for this is for sharing on some web services I guess. Maybe a print on a paper? I for example plan small trip for a few people on this weekend, so I'll immediately test this ... simple share of this picture on facebook and all will know exact track with elevation etc. Hmm nice :). And if points will be visible or now ... well as gynta wrote. It's on user. So maybe you will also convince me to add there some settings ;).

Thanks for feedback guys.


Hi Menion,

Well I'll try and convince you to add some options right here. :)

1. Make a screenshot of a track suitable for mobile screens. Basically a regular Locus screenshot but with some data at the bottom. İt could be similar to how data is presented in the new route planner.

I use this feature a lot and people see those screenshots on their phones mostly. İt's both too big and two much info.

2. Choose what data to display at current big picture. Current big screenshot is also very useful for post activity group analysis and having some display options would be perfect.


Question: Are there different "versions" depending on whether it's a recorded track (with actual times) or a (planned) route? Would be nice, because there's some difference and it's not nice to, for example, have "---" instead of "Track time" and so on...


It looks I had the same idea

It would be useful if user could customize stats pane as much as possible (similar way as track record panel or dashboard can be customized) and choose the result resolution.. Of course only stats available for dead track would be available.

I suggest to add graph with track elevation and speed profile below the map too


I hope this function makes it into the release! I'd rather have it "no frills" for now than not at all because there are too many wishes for fancy customization. As much as I like Bucks Kid's customize-it-like-the-dashboard idea, I don't see that as mandatory.

And about the graph: That's what I meant with "recorded track vs. planned route" - I think you can't do completely without some context-dependent stuff, e.g. speed/elevation makes no sense in a route, but perhaps is preferable for a recorded track.


Function published in new Beta version Hope it will works fine for You!


I'm marking this idea as implemented. It already works for a few months without any new reported issues. Enjoy it.

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