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Show just track & current position, turn map to black

B Frank shared this idea 7 years ago

Considering black pixels in Oled screens use no power an option to just show the track with the current position and turn the underlaying map to black could save a vast amount of battery power. Many phones these days use Oled technology for their screens.

In many situations it will suffice to just show the track and the currrent position. You don't want to miss that sharp turning or that crossroad, so need to know where you are on the track, but you do not need all the extra info that the map gives you all of the time.

Showing just the track and the position would give track and position info constantly, while probably saving more battery power than by turning the complete screen on- and off in some manual- of automated way.

I wonder if such an option, to turn certain screen elements to black, could be implemented. It would most certainly save my (battery) day.

B Frank (long time cyclist and happy locus user)

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Would this map theme meet your requirements?



An even easier alternative is to use Locus Map's "Map Color Mode". Select "Night Mode" and the map's background will be black.


Hi Taras,

I tried both your suggestions. The night theme by Tosyu comes very close to what I have in mind. This does definately save battery power.

However, changing to any theme while cycling is not a recommended action, especially not off-road or riding down hills.

I was thinking along the lines of a screen that appears to be (but not is) in sleep mode and that will instantly lighten up at the touch of a button.

I'll be using the Night theme for now, untill someone more knowledgable than me picks up the idea ;)

Thanks for the tip,

B Frank


Good day Frank,

firstly thanks Taras for useful tips, mainly with a nice theme.

Frank, I think you may find some nice cooperation of your needs & existing Presets feature , that may allows to pre-define setup of app you usually use in the field and that may be later enabled with single tap (well two taps to be precise).

Based on this test I found, using of completely black screen is useful, but not as much as I expected. You may give a try to mentioned black theme + some combination of automatic turning of screen on/off based on navigation actions.

You may also give a try to Map manager > Online maps > Blank maps > Dark, that has one great advantage compare to dark theme for vector maps, that is also CPU friendly.

Hope you find any of mentioned tools useful.


Hello Mennion,

> Map manager > Online maps > Blank maps > Dark

That is the screen I'm looking for, just the track and the current location. This Blank-map option appears to be available in offline map mode too.

I'll have to see if Presets can turn this into a (two step) toggle switch Map/Blank map.

Interesting test at Greenbot. However, the tests are carried out at 50% screen brightness. In real world circumtstances during daytime the screen is usually at 75-100% , so the effect of a mostly black screen will be a little more impressive, I hope.

Thank you for your answers and suggestions. I'm more of a cyclist than a smartphone expert, fiddling with presets will take a little time. I'll be back.

B Frank


The configurable Presets button works well when switching between different themes. The Blanco Map option however behaves like it is meant to overrule the themes. Once the blanco map Is activated all themes appear blanco. Is there a way to include the blanco map on/off option in a preset?

Regards, BFrank


Good day Frank,

unfortunately I do not perfectly understand. By "Blanco map" you mean an map from map manager > top toolbar > blank or a white/black theme for an LoMaps (vector maps)?

If you speak about second case, then yes, white/black theme is set as map theme for all maps you select in future. I can imagine to create two presets configuration and use them to switch quickly between themes & other parameters.


Hi Menion,

> By "Blanco map" you mean an map from map manager > top toolbar > blank

That's the one. Once one of the Blanco Map option's from the map manager has been activated, it can't be undone through Presets. In other words I'm unable to make the Blanco Map option from the map manager part of a Preset.

The Dark theme can be made part of a Preset. It can be undone by choosing another Preset with another Theme, no problem there. But I'm eager to use your Blanco Map option with the CPU friendly settings instead. All for long days on the saddle without a recharge

Regards, B Frank


Hello Frank,

this is correct. Unfortunately, option to change online/blank map over Presets is for sure not planned. Thanks for understanding.


Pity it won't work but thank you for the help Menion

Regards, B Frank

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