Minor improvements for live tracking

Andrew Heard shared this idea 6 years ago
Gathering feedback

#1 I was trying to set the live tracking update frequency to 15 minutes (900 seconds). Seemed a reasonable rate for a general indication of position. Locus silently ignores the value and reverts to 300 when I tap the back button.


Only when I tap stop then (re)start is there a warning message:


But then the obvious question, why is the maximum rate only 5 minutes? I know with the SPOT tracker service a user can elect for a cheaper option of 15 or 30 minutes, which is often good enough. With a "long life" data plan the data charges can soon add up.

#2 How about displaying the last time of update? This may be of more interest than distance or position:


Replies (2)


Thank you



#2 is an interesting idea, it could be really more helpful to have the update time directly in the preview in this case. Anyway the update time is available in the detail of the point but I see how that is not exactly the most comfotable way how to get to that information.

#1 Oh, you are right that it is silently replaced when simply going back. The error message of the validator stating the allowed range is only shown when pressing start button (as you have posted in the screenshot). This behaviour is not perfect, could be considered a bug the validator should inform you right away, so sorry about that.

But more generally speaking it is true, that we could increse the update range and we have actually discussed it quite recently. It has actually more to do with the server, which currently does not show positions older than 10 minutes, and the user update limit is half that time. We discussed that 10 minutes limit is maybe too strict and that longer periods might be better. We do not yet know if to set and limit this globally or maybe have this also configurable per room as different people have obviously different needs.

Anyway thanks for opening this idea, at least it confirms that the current time limit might not be ideal.

Best regards


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