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Some tiles not rendering in latest beta

Tomáš Janoušek shared this problem 8 years ago

Yesterday I updated to the beta with new themes, and some tiles (like the one attached in Brno) won't render. Here's a logcat:

  1. W/bbc (27641): getBitmap(), problem with load, relPath:/org/mapsforgeV3/map/theme/, src:file:/symbols/db_poi_muslim_symbol.svg
  2. E/MapLayerVectorMapsForgeV3(27641): createRenderer(ImageRequest[x:4473, y:2806, z:22])
  3. E/MapLayerVectorMapsForgeV3(27641): java.lang.NullPointerException
  4. E/MapLayerVectorMapsForgeV3(27641): at o.bbp$if.ˋ(:871)
  5. E/MapLayerVectorMapsForgeV3(27641): at o.baD.ˋ(:107)
  6. E/MapLayerVectorMapsForgeV3(27641): at o.baT.ˊ(:150)
  7. E/MapLayerVectorMapsForgeV3(27641): at o.baT.ˊ(:154)
  8. E/MapLayerVectorMapsForgeV3(27641): at o.baT.ˊ(:154)
  9. E/MapLayerVectorMapsForgeV3(27641): at o.baT.ˊ(:154)
  10. E/MapLayerVectorMapsForgeV3(27641): at o.bas.ˊ(:342)
  11. E/MapLayerVectorMapsForgeV3(27641): at o.bas.ˊ(:271)
  12. E/MapLayerVectorMapsForgeV3(27641): at o.bbp$if.ˊ(:751)
  13. E/MapLayerVectorMapsForgeV3(27641): at o.bbB.ˊ(:837)
  14. E/MapLayerVectorMapsForgeV3(27641): at o.bbB.ˋ(:569)
  15. E/MapLayerVectorMapsForgeV3(27641): at o.bbB.ˊ(:500)
  16. E/MapLayerVectorMapsForgeV3(27641): at o.bbB.ˊ(:389)
  17. E/MapLayerVectorMapsForgeV3(27641): at o.bbp.ˊ(:213)
  18. E/MapLayerVectorMapsForgeV3(27641): at o.abN.ι(:4625)
  19. E/MapLayerVectorMapsForgeV3(27641): at o.abN.ʽ(:516)
  20. E/MapLayerVectorMapsForgeV3(27641): at o.aeo$ˋ.ˈ(:802)
  21. E/MapLayerVectorMapsForgeV3(27641): at
  22. E/MapLayerVectorMapsForgeV3(27641): at

Replies (1)


Thanks Tomáši!

Petr, in your theme configuration is missing "symbol-width" parameter for "db_poi_muslim_symbol" icon. You incorrectly defined "scale" value. Fix it please, thanks.


Ohh, thank you for report. Fixed

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