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Sort option for tracks/items: drag and move

balloni55 shared this idea 7 years ago

if user activate tracks or items in list at once, always last track/item of list is displayed on top. Sorting by date/name ... didnt help at all.

So my idea: add option sort list by "drag and move"


Replies (5)


Hello balloni,

is this really useful?

Tracks are really loaded one by one and in same order are drawn on the map .. so first loaded is draw first, so it is at bottom (lower). And opposite. I hope that is no extra logic on background :)


Hello menion,

for me it will be sometimes usefull and so idea was borne


Understand. And order created by enabling of one track after second works for you? Simply enable track that you want to have on background as first. This should work. Hmm maybe this order will be preserved also when You close / open Locus.


i know, it works exactly as you described ;-)

but not for items, they are always displayed ascending


Items, well, this is correct ... there is currently no possibility to sort items.

Hmm ... some drag & drop system because of order of sorting seems to me like too complicated task with really low usage, sorry.

I'm thinking about some options that should satisfy you. Only idea is to allow mark track to give it "higher priority". But ... it means special settings, some checkbox and I really do not know if it worth it mainly because for most of user it will be useless option. So probably not ... suggest single track on screen at once in this case. Thank you for understanding,

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