Speed limit warning / max. speed

Daniel shared this idea 12 years ago
Gathering feedback

Your software seems very good and easy but is there a possibily to have speed limit warning based on the current route ?

Replies (18)


Hi Daniel,

I changed your topic to idea (so people may vote for this) because this is not currently implemented in Locus


Something similar to Ulysse Speedometer Pro app would be nice


This idea was first shared by Daniel 2 years ago,

wondering if there has been any progress?


Currently no change in this feature. We hope that offline routing based on GrapHopper library will allow get real speed limits for road where you just move.

So this idea is not forgotten, just isn't right time for implement yet.


BTW: How far is the GraphHopper from stable version (= ready for use by Locus)?


Ladislav Čapka wrote:

BTW: How far is the GraphHopper from stable version (= ready for use by Locus)?
To be true, don't know. But as I know, there are still missing driving limitations (one-way roads), roundabouts and ability to compute over more then one data file. So currently it's usable for bike & hike (you may try it on your own), but not yet for a car navigation.


Hello this function would be great: i would do not need any garmin gps anymore in my car !

Without knowing too much about the technical background:

OSM is managing the speed limits ( maxspeed=* tag) see wiki http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Speed_limits

as i can see on ito, the referencing on the map is not bad: http://www.itoworld.com/map/124

=> so the big advantage is you have the date offline and even do not need any navigation to be warned about car over speed.


Hi, I see the thread is old, but the idea is great. Any chances to use osm data or maybe a plugin interface to have speed limit information?

Looks to me an awesome idea- I travel a lot ti foreign countries and it's not always easy to keep track of the local speed limits, which frequently varies. So having a reminder on screen is really an excellent feature.


I found this tread searching for "locus layer speed limit".

Disappointing that it seems abandoned, since it seems very useful to me. Could be used in navigation e.g.

I know the app "Velociraptor" but this is still very basic and I would prefer to have it integrated in Locus.

On the OSM Help Site I found:

How can i see the speed limit of a street?

And there I found the OpenStreet Browser Map with MaxSpeed

I guess this could be added as Layer in Locus, but I don't know how :(

No solution here for Locus?

Thanks, frank


Agree, should be part of navigation.

I use a very nice app that does speed limits offline. Check it out: TempoMaster


That is something different, TempoMaster is quite the same app as Velociraptor. You can with neither app see on a map what speed limit it has. Only where you are. Might be useful for special use cases but I would prefer the layer for Locus.


BUT: I asked the developer of TempoMaster and he told me how to do it: just in the settings under Tools click on the map and I can choose the part of the (Google-) map where I want to know the speed limits. Then I have to click on that part of the map and around 300 m it shows the limits :)

Great app, great support :)


Soweit ich weiss nur indirekt. Die Daten sind zwar in OSM maps aber Locus zeigt die nicht. Ich nutze die Android App Velociraptor. Mittels ein Overlay zeigt die ziemlich genaue Höchstgeschwindigkeiten (bei mir in Kombination mit Google Maps).


Aren't the speed limits not implemented yet?


Not integrated as far as I know. But you don't need them in Locus either. There are external applications that do this.


Try Velociraptor for Android


If the speed limit could be shown in the dash board it would be great.

Best regards Norbert


I'm sad that showing speed limits this is not implemented yet. Perhaps driving navigation like in OsmAnd is not a priority for the developers? More of a cycling and hiking app?

I've been using Locus for many years and I so very much want it to be my 'do it all' navigation app. But for on-road navigation OsmAnd seems to be a better solution.... currently.


Yes Locus Map is a bike and hiking app. and this area they can do very well and they should focus only on that. I always use Google Maps for car.


Thing is if its a bike and hiking app, why then have train and car navigation options and route calculation....because it integrates with the much better locus POI system..but to be honest i just navigate with google maps froma POI, i need the maps speed limit warning and traffic warning....


For speed warning I use this app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pluscubed.velociraptor&hl=de&gl=US
As soon as the allowed speed (+Tollerance / Adjustable) is exceeded, a warning tone occurs.
You can select for which app it is used (Maps, Locus, Komoot, etc. ). Therefore, I do not need the function in Locus. Maybe there are other apps that can do that.


That's actually quite good! Thanks for pointing it out.


It is perfectly OK when different applications are better than others in different things. Trying to be better in all things is the sure way to hell.


Yes, that's certainly true. Love what Locus can do in what it is designed for!


Although all said before is true, and there is no such thing as Perfect, as that concept is completely dependent on individual needs and wishes, I would like to give this original post a thumbs up.

At this moment my preferred map-application is Locus Maps, which has, in my opinion, a clear and mostly intuitive interface. One of the things I like most is the fact that there are quite some options to modify the user interface.

However, for car navigation I'm bound to use Osmand (need offline navication) as it can show local speed limits on the screen while navigating. This also means that I need to download all maps twice, both for Osmand and for Locus Maps (have not discovered how to share the maps between the applications).

As it seems to be a quite minor update in the design of the app I'd again would like to bring this up as a suggestion.

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