Speed smoothing in tracks chart

Bálint Szebenyi shared this idea 11 years ago
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I was wondering if it would be possible to apply some smoothing to the track/charts tab. Maybe with a Hodrick-Prescott filter (don`t know if it is applicable) or similar to mytourbook: http://mytourbook.sourceforge.net/myt...

Replies (5)


Good day Bálint,

Locus already filter all data in chart. Below are examples. Question of course is, how strong the filter should be.

Raw data:

Filtered data:


Hi Menion!

I didn`t know about it :)

Would it be possible to create different smoothing for folders? (That way we could differentiate between cycling, running, hiking, etc.) The tracks are organized in folders and the parameter of the smoothing could be set for each folder individually. If the user does not specify anything then the current settings would be applied.

The point why this question has formulated in me is that this graph is not really informative on my phone screen:

But this is _really_ a minor thing :)



I understand your idea, but what I do not understand is what you want to see. Because on your chart is at bottom almost 30 km!! which is quite long distance on walk. In this case, some optimized chart will have absolutely no sense I think. Every changes in speed shorter then 1 km will be trashed.

Don`t know. I`m not expert on some analyzing charts and I also do not use charts in Locus a lot (just quick check after sport), so I do not need it. Anyway I`ll gladly listen to some good reasons why to do this better ;)



maybe I though it wrong and smoothing would have no use in cases like this. However I have seen this in the forum: http://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?to... and thought that the original idea could be achieved by another, simpler way. (Original idea: I just wanted to know if I am slower on part of the route compared to the others or not.)

So if there are different "parts" of the route and you decide to implement that feature mentioned on the forum (only then :) ), then a simple average could be computed for that part. The average could then be marked on a chart with horizontal parts.

Just like here: http://mytourbook.sourceforge.net/myt... See the blue graph on the right. Only the average without actual speed curve would be enough.

But this is only low priority :)


Hi, Here is an idea on a simple smoothing that is somewhat under the user's control. Make a chart based on the lap screen. The x-axis is distance and the y-axis is average speed for a lap. There would be fewer points for bigger laps and that would amount to smoothing the data (I think). This way it would be possible to more clearly see how well one is cycling at different points of the track. This info is on the laps screen, but a picture is more easily understood.

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