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Strava export not visible in Strava
I have Locus map Pro, 3.37.2 on Huawei P9 Lite 2017.
I have exported several track to Strava, and it was said that export is successful. However I can not see the activity in Strava.
When I want to repeat the export it says that is is already on Strava.
Thanks for your support!
Hi Tamás,
is this track imported from somewhere out of Locus or was it recorded in your phone? If the second option is true, check system time in your phone - date of your track is some time in 1999.
Hi Tamás,
is this track imported from somewhere out of Locus or was it recorded in your phone? If the second option is true, check system time in your phone - date of your track is some time in 1999.
Tak jsem dnes ještě porovnal GPS na druhém shodném typu mobilu a kupodivu "date of fix" v GPRMC bylo v pořádku. Zkusil jsem tedy můj mobil úplně vypnout a po chvíli zapnout ... a najednou je datum ve zprávě GPRMC v pořádku. Ano, měl jsem to zkusit restartovat hned, ale v tomto případě mě to opravdu nenapadlo. :-) Budu sledovat, jak se bude chovat GPS dále...
Tak jsem dnes ještě porovnal GPS na druhém shodném typu mobilu a kupodivu "date of fix" v GPRMC bylo v pořádku. Zkusil jsem tedy můj mobil úplně vypnout a po chvíli zapnout ... a najednou je datum ve zprávě GPRMC v pořádku. Ano, měl jsem to zkusit restartovat hned, ale v tomto případě mě to opravdu nenapadlo. :-) Budu sledovat, jak se bude chovat GPS dále...
Hello Michal,
Thanks for your help! Yes, it is the second option. The date is automatically set on my phone, and it is correct. What is more Locus map gives that date as the title of the activity. And the title is 2019.04.etc.
Now I have checked Strava, and found my activities in 1999 so you are right! The date of the track is corrupt.
Something is not ok here.
Looking forward to good advices.
Hello Michal,
Thanks for your help! Yes, it is the second option. The date is automatically set on my phone, and it is correct. What is more Locus map gives that date as the title of the activity. And the title is 2019.04.etc.
Now I have checked Strava, and found my activities in 1999 so you are right! The date of the track is corrupt.
Something is not ok here.
Looking forward to good advices.
Dobrý den Martine,
správně tušíte, že Locus je v tomto poměrně nevinně. Přebírá GPS data od systému v mobilu, které může leda tak optimalizovat (průměrovat nebo porovnávat s offline daty), aby nevykazoval příliš velké odchylky. Timestampy určitě needituje.
Dobrý den Martine,
správně tušíte, že Locus je v tomto poměrně nevinně. Přebírá GPS data od systému v mobilu, které může leda tak optimalizovat (průměrovat nebo porovnávat s offline daty), aby nevykazoval příliš velké odchylky. Timestampy určitě needituje.
Hi Tamás,
timestamps of the track points recorded by Locus are defined by your phone system. Maybe there is some bug in it. Have you tried restarting your phone?
Hi Tamás,
timestamps of the track points recorded by Locus are defined by your phone system. Maybe there is some bug in it. Have you tried restarting your phone?
Hello Michal,
I have the same issue with Strava export. My Locus version is 3.37.2 and having the same phone (P9 Lite). My system time is correct (at least clock shows it correctly). But starting from 7.4.2019 the export function changes somehow the datetime to 1999. My last correct export happened on 6.4.2019. This is how Strava shows my data:
I've restarted my phone today and today's export went wrong as well.
Hello Michal,
I have the same issue with Strava export. My Locus version is 3.37.2 and having the same phone (P9 Lite). My system time is correct (at least clock shows it correctly). But starting from 7.4.2019 the export function changes somehow the datetime to 1999. My last correct export happened on 6.4.2019. This is how Strava shows my data:
I've restarted my phone today and today's export went wrong as well.
Good day Peter, Tamás,
really interesting. I just exported 145 my personal activities to Strava server and have to say that no one has an incorrect date.
Is there any option that anyone of you, shares Locus Map full backup with me? So I can export directly track from your own database to Strava to simulate and fix this problem? Thank you.
Good day Peter, Tamás,
really interesting. I just exported 145 my personal activities to Strava server and have to say that no one has an incorrect date.
Is there any option that anyone of you, shares Locus Map full backup with me? So I can export directly track from your own database to Strava to simulate and fix this problem? Thank you.
GPS date incorrectly set to 1999? That sounds familiar. Seems your model is affected by the so called "GPS week rollover issue", happened last Sunday, April 7, 2019, see e.g. here:
GPS date incorrectly set to 1999? That sounds familiar. Seems your model is affected by the so called "GPS week rollover issue", happened last Sunday, April 7, 2019, see e.g. here:
@Thomas, you hit it. I exported my GPX file and the GPS datetime is 1999 as you wrote. When I changed the date manually and imported to Strava everything is OK. It seems, Locus needs to fix this.
@Thomas, you hit it. I exported my GPX file and the GPS datetime is 1999 as you wrote. When I changed the date manually and imported to Strava everything is OK. It seems, Locus needs to fix this.
From Strava support:
From Strava support:
After updateing the firmware to Android 8 the strava export works just fine!
Thanks guys!
After updateing the firmware to Android 8 the strava export works just fine!
Thanks guys!
Dobrý den, děkuji za reakci. Chápu, že časové značky z GPS Locus needituje, ale měl jsem na mysli, jestli nedošlo v programu k nějaké úpravě obsluhy komunikace s GPS modulem. Dnes jsem opět zaznamenal velké problémy, kdy se mi opakovaně "zasekla" poloha z GPS a bylo nutno vždy vypnout a zapnout GPS z Locusu. Je prosím někde k dispozici starší verze programu Locus, abych mohl zkusit downgrade? Měl jsem verze 3.34.1 a 3.35.2 a s těmito verzemi se mi ani jednou nestalo, že by došlo k zaseknutí polohy. Nechce se mi příliš věřit, že by mohlo dojít zrovna v tomto okamžiku k chybě v mobilu nebo by zrovna toto způsoboval "GPS Week Rollover" problém.
Díky. Martin
Dobrý den, děkuji za reakci. Chápu, že časové značky z GPS Locus needituje, ale měl jsem na mysli, jestli nedošlo v programu k nějaké úpravě obsluhy komunikace s GPS modulem. Dnes jsem opět zaznamenal velké problémy, kdy se mi opakovaně "zasekla" poloha z GPS a bylo nutno vždy vypnout a zapnout GPS z Locusu. Je prosím někde k dispozici starší verze programu Locus, abych mohl zkusit downgrade? Měl jsem verze 3.34.1 a 3.35.2 a s těmito verzemi se mi ani jednou nestalo, že by došlo k zaseknutí polohy. Nechce se mi příliš věřit, že by mohlo dojít zrovna v tomto okamžiku k chybě v mobilu nebo by zrovna toto způsoboval "GPS Week Rollover" problém.
Díky. Martin
Thomas S. thanks for your discovery. It has to be definitely this problem, interesting.
So since last week, old these devices which miss correct fix, will have all recorded locations moved by mentioned 1024 weeks right? Peter and Tamás, does it make a difference if you in app settings > GPS & sensors, enable or disable "Google assisted GPS location" option?
Thomas S. thanks for your discovery. It has to be definitely this problem, interesting.
So since last week, old these devices which miss correct fix, will have all recorded locations moved by mentioned 1024 weeks right? Peter and Tamás, does it make a difference if you in app settings > GPS & sensors, enable or disable "Google assisted GPS location" option?
the troubles with GPS roll-over disappeared for couple of weeks, but now it appeared again. I didn't change any setting (google assisted GPS location is still ON).
But I experience loss of GPS in Locus during last two weeks. Just when I'm recording the activity it stops at some point. When I check Google maps, my position is correct there and I can track my movements (so GPS unit works). Then later, the GPS gets usually available again also for Locus.
Today, when I noticed that track recording stopped I opened Compass/GPS screen and turned off and again on the GPS. After that, Locus gained position again, but track time changed to non-sense number (something like thousands of some unit).
Do you have any idea what could be wrong?
Unfortunately, my phone doesn't support upgrade to Android 8.
the troubles with GPS roll-over disappeared for couple of weeks, but now it appeared again. I didn't change any setting (google assisted GPS location is still ON).
But I experience loss of GPS in Locus during last two weeks. Just when I'm recording the activity it stops at some point. When I check Google maps, my position is correct there and I can track my movements (so GPS unit works). Then later, the GPS gets usually available again also for Locus.
Today, when I noticed that track recording stopped I opened Compass/GPS screen and turned off and again on the GPS. After that, Locus gained position again, but track time changed to non-sense number (something like thousands of some unit).
Do you have any idea what could be wrong?
Unfortunately, my phone doesn't support upgrade to Android 8.
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