Support download of a single package for a area with Map, Tracks, Peaks, POI, and Elevation.

blahdi shared this idea 6 years ago
Gathering feedback

I would like to add to the wish list a capability to download a single package for a area with Map, Tracks, Peaks, POI, and Elevation. [not as a custom map from locus store].

There are custom map packages available on locus store, but those are not free and do not allow flexibility to choose your own map et al.

Curently, in order to effectively use Locusmaps Pro, I have downloaded usgs topo+usgs sat, trails (from random sides), peaks (from random sites), POI (from locus), elevation separately because there is no option to download them as a single package.

Replies (3)



thank you for idea. I can understand your needs but I'm not sure if we're able to fully implement it. There are different map sources, different data/ POI /tracks sources, etc. Basically this should be covered by LoMaps maps that combine map, POI database, highlighted tracks.

However let's keep it open for ideas.

BTW: it's not possible to directly download elevation data for custom area but it's possible to download elevation data in Locus store for any map item.



Thanks Petr for looking into it.

Here is a app that claims to download most of the above as a single package.

Question: Even if these are available from different sources, isn't it possible to

a) define favorites for these sources.

e.g. favorite POI source=xxx; favorite track source=everytrail,

b) when a user selects a map area for download, data from all other favorite sources get downloaded at same time for the area if they fall in same area (GPS locations marking the area).


+ Sharing packages withing live tracking groups would be really good (similar to ATAK).

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