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Support multiple live tracking servers

joeloc shared this idea 8 years ago

Now that Locus has its own buddy tracking, it might be a good idea to support multiple live tracking services at the same time. The GUI already allows configuring as many servers as I wish, why the limit to just one at a time?


1) Locus buddy tracking server for Android buddies travelling with me.

2) My own webpage for friends/family/web&forum crowd.

3) An IPhone compatible live tracking for Apple buddies travelling with me.

All these things could be fed by Locus simultaneously, and I cant really see a reason why not.

Replies (4)


I just had exactly the same idea.


This will also include GUI changes... the entries in the live tracking server list need a "running" indicator (checkmark/greenthingy/whatever) that I can simply toggle with a single tap. No more "startup procedure" and annoying errors like


Totally off-topic, hence inline.

What application do you use for 3)? Or just hypothetical?


Hypothetical so far. IPhone users are more or less fucked, navigationwise. But your server can prepare a simple gpx download link that they can click on and import, at least that works with Galileo iphone app.



this feature has been released in our latest beta version, so, if you like, you can test it now (beta version testing instructions).

There are still some limits to simultaneous live tracking in the app - we only allow to have one "Locus" live tracking and one "Custom" live tracking service enabled at the same. So practically speaking you can run our live tracking service (or location sharing via My live location function) and at the same time use one custom live tracking server like GPSies or others.



the possibility to use both Locus and Custom live tracking services at the same time is now available in the latest Locus Map version. I am closing this issue because there hasn't been any feedback yet and the function seems to be working. If there are any problems feel free to start new problem/topic regarding this issue.

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