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Support for icons from Garmin GPX files
Export from Garmin device contain in GPX file tag xx which contain name of icon that represent POI
What about support for such symbols. This will have advantages,
1. imported GPX files will have automatically attached symbol (no matter in which category you`re importing)
2. you`ll be able to manually define point with symbols in your own GPX file
3. export will also contain this symbol, so backward compatibility with Garmin and other devices
- For this will be needed internal list of symbols supported by Locus I think
(I`m creating this topic not because I have nothing to do, but because I already received two emails with similar request)
Das ist eine Gute Idee!!
Das ist eine Gute Idee!!
The basic functionality is implemented in Locus 2.9.2. At least I was able to import my existing GPX files (having nothing to do with Garmin) into Locus and had all the icons I wanted. I simply needed to add the name space xmlns:locus=""
in the GPX element, and for each waypoint, I was adding a line like
within in WPT element.
The basic functionality is implemented in Locus 2.9.2. At least I was able to import my existing GPX files (having nothing to do with Garmin) into Locus and had all the icons I wanted. I simply needed to add the name space xmlns:locus=""
in the GPX element, and for each waypoint, I was adding a line like
within in WPT element.
Is there any comprehensive "Howto" for XML-editing GPX files and an overview of its definitions available? Or maybe even a piece of software?
E.g. I would like to define also Icons, Note Text, Web/File Links etc. into such files.
Is there any comprehensive "Howto" for XML-editing GPX files and an overview of its definitions available? Or maybe even a piece of software?
E.g. I would like to define also Icons, Note Text, Web/File Links etc. into such files.
I can`t remember a throughout GPX-Edito-HowTo, but:
As GPX is just an XML, any XML tutorial will do the trick :-)
Several pages offer short introductions or discuss specific aspects of GPX, e.g.
The GPX definition can be found at a list of gpx software.
A list of some tools around GPX, converting GPS files, etc. can be found at Personally, I use GPX Editor as it changes only very little in my GPX files (it offers to edit all the fields you mentioned) and as a text editor Notepad++ with Plugin "XML Tools" (I feel comfortable with its pretty print for XML files).
Edit: It might be of iportance to you that during GPX import into Locus the sym tag does not set the symbol within Locus, but the locus:icon tag must be used - which of course is not standard GPX but Locus specific. Interestingly, Locus sets both tags during GPX export.
I can`t remember a throughout GPX-Edito-HowTo, but:
As GPX is just an XML, any XML tutorial will do the trick :-)
Several pages offer short introductions or discuss specific aspects of GPX, e.g.
The GPX definition can be found at a list of gpx software.
A list of some tools around GPX, converting GPS files, etc. can be found at Personally, I use GPX Editor as it changes only very little in my GPX files (it offers to edit all the fields you mentioned) and as a text editor Notepad++ with Plugin "XML Tools" (I feel comfortable with its pretty print for XML files).
Edit: It might be of iportance to you that during GPX import into Locus the sym tag does not set the symbol within Locus, but the locus:icon tag must be used - which of course is not standard GPX but Locus specific. Interestingly, Locus sets both tags during GPX export.
many thanx for this!
many thanx for this!
I now dove deeper into this strange world (I tend to be rather just a User, less a person fiddeling with xml, etc.). But with GPX Editor I checked one of my generated GPX-POI (edited with TwoNav); it looked just fine. Main content of this file is Description Text as well as having a "Hyperlink" to an external html-file in the same directory (but already this question mark, which one is the "same" directory after import).
I imported this GPX into Locus. Text (although being quite long) OK, Naming OK, even a Hyperlik was show, but after pressing it Locus just reproducibly crashes each time. I tried the Locus /data/Import/ directory for the target linked directory.
Any idea?
HWN001; Eckertalsperre (Staumauer)
Eckertalsperre (Staumauer)
Die Eckertalsperre ist die höchstgelegene (569 m ü. NN) und gleichzeitig kleinste Talsperre der Harzer Wasserregulierungssysteme. Die 235 Meter lange und etwa 60 Meter hohe Staumauer wurde im Jahre 1943 fertiggestellt. Hinter ihr stauen sich bis zu 13 Millionen Kubikmeter Wasser. Die Nationalparke Hochharz und Harz bietet Ihnen hier eine neue Wandermöglichkeit auf einem landschaftliche schönen, zum Teil naturbelassenen Weg, der eine Querung der Ecker einschließt und eine Umrundung des Eckerstausees ermöglicht. Die Gesamtfläche des Weges beträgt 9 km. Auf diesem Weg können Sie einen natürlichen Fließgewässerabschnitt der Ecker, bevor sie zum Eckerstausee aufgestaut wird, mit vielfältigen Strukturen erleben. Sie haben nicht nur einen schönen Blick auf die Natur und den Stausee, auch der Brocken bietet seine Reize. 2007 wurde auf dem Historischen Wochenende in Blankenburg feierlich die Eckertalsperre als "Schönste Stempelstelle 2007" von unseren Wanderern gekürt. Jeder der schon einmal an der Talsperre stand, weiß auch warum. So z. B. der Blick zum Brocken, den man hier bei schönem Wetter sogar doppelt genießen kann. Der Brocken spiegelt sich im Wasser und man kann den Brocken ganz klar erkennen. Wo gibt es solch ein Doppelspiel ein zweites mal. Gehen Sie doch auch einmal los und besuchen Sie die schönste Stempelstelle 2007.
Post Office
I now dove deeper into this strange world (I tend to be rather just a User, less a person fiddeling with xml, etc.). But with GPX Editor I checked one of my generated GPX-POI (edited with TwoNav); it looked just fine. Main content of this file is Description Text as well as having a "Hyperlink" to an external html-file in the same directory (but already this question mark, which one is the "same" directory after import).
I imported this GPX into Locus. Text (although being quite long) OK, Naming OK, even a Hyperlik was show, but after pressing it Locus just reproducibly crashes each time. I tried the Locus /data/Import/ directory for the target linked directory.
Any idea?
HWN001; Eckertalsperre (Staumauer)
Eckertalsperre (Staumauer)
Die Eckertalsperre ist die höchstgelegene (569 m ü. NN) und gleichzeitig kleinste Talsperre der Harzer Wasserregulierungssysteme. Die 235 Meter lange und etwa 60 Meter hohe Staumauer wurde im Jahre 1943 fertiggestellt. Hinter ihr stauen sich bis zu 13 Millionen Kubikmeter Wasser. Die Nationalparke Hochharz und Harz bietet Ihnen hier eine neue Wandermöglichkeit auf einem landschaftliche schönen, zum Teil naturbelassenen Weg, der eine Querung der Ecker einschließt und eine Umrundung des Eckerstausees ermöglicht. Die Gesamtfläche des Weges beträgt 9 km. Auf diesem Weg können Sie einen natürlichen Fließgewässerabschnitt der Ecker, bevor sie zum Eckerstausee aufgestaut wird, mit vielfältigen Strukturen erleben. Sie haben nicht nur einen schönen Blick auf die Natur und den Stausee, auch der Brocken bietet seine Reize. 2007 wurde auf dem Historischen Wochenende in Blankenburg feierlich die Eckertalsperre als "Schönste Stempelstelle 2007" von unseren Wanderern gekürt. Jeder der schon einmal an der Talsperre stand, weiß auch warum. So z. B. der Blick zum Brocken, den man hier bei schönem Wetter sogar doppelt genießen kann. Der Brocken spiegelt sich im Wasser und man kann den Brocken ganz klar erkennen. Wo gibt es solch ein Doppelspiel ein zweites mal. Gehen Sie doch auch einmal los und besuchen Sie die schönste Stempelstelle 2007.
Post Office
My 2 cents @Menions original idea
@1+2: I would appreciate if Locus "understood" the sym child element of /gpx/wpt elements during import, just as it does now "understand" /gpx/wpt/extensions/locus:icon elements. Reasons: sym is GPX standard and can be edited with many GPX compatible softwares, whereas locus:icon is Locus specific, so most other softwares don`t understand it and several even remove the locus namespace & hence make the GPX file invalid :-(
I guess it`s only little effort (just add another XPath; if both exist for one WPT use the more specific one, so /extensions/locus:icon).
@3: Garmin compatibility (or even "import profiles" for several GPS softwares) is not important for me. But it would be nice if Locus` own icon names included the symbol names of one of the "big established players" like Garmin, so users would have a kind of "lowest common denominator" for symbols (=an icon-set that many GPS softwares understand) -- just like RTF is supported by most writing softwares.
My 2 cents @Menions original idea
@1+2: I would appreciate if Locus "understood" the sym child element of /gpx/wpt elements during import, just as it does now "understand" /gpx/wpt/extensions/locus:icon elements. Reasons: sym is GPX standard and can be edited with many GPX compatible softwares, whereas locus:icon is Locus specific, so most other softwares don`t understand it and several even remove the locus namespace & hence make the GPX file invalid :-(
I guess it`s only little effort (just add another XPath; if both exist for one WPT use the more specific one, so /extensions/locus:icon).
@3: Garmin compatibility (or even "import profiles" for several GPS softwares) is not important for me. But it would be nice if Locus` own icon names included the symbol names of one of the "big established players" like Garmin, so users would have a kind of "lowest common denominator" for symbols (=an icon-set that many GPS softwares understand) -- just like RTF is supported by most writing softwares.
Hello, I would add a fourth point to the original idea.
4. Being able to choose before importing a zip file containing gpx`s and png`s to create a category for each gpx`s file with the file name and directly associate the icon (png file) to the points of that category.
Hello, I would add a fourth point to the original idea.
4. Being able to choose before importing a zip file containing gpx`s and png`s to create a category for each gpx`s file with the file name and directly associate the icon (png file) to the points of that category.
In next version, Locus will internally contain around 100 icons that will match names of Garmin icons. So if you import any GPX file with points with tag from Garmin, there is a chance, Locus will correctly add icon.
Some icons are anyway still missing. We took them from this well known site. If you`ll want to add some missing icons, best is to create them and send them to me. I`ll then add it to next version
In next version, Locus will internally contain around 100 icons that will match names of Garmin icons. So if you import any GPX file with points with tag from Garmin, there is a chance, Locus will correctly add icon.
Some icons are anyway still missing. We took them from this well known site. If you`ll want to add some missing icons, best is to create them and send them to me. I`ll then add it to next version
To whom it may concern: In GPX Editor, the Garmin icon names can be selected from a DropDown, so one does not have to remember the exact spelling. Sadly, they are not used in the map view. After importing the GPX into Locus, the icons are used.
To whom it may concern: In GPX Editor, the Garmin icon names can be selected from a DropDown, so one does not have to remember the exact spelling. Sadly, they are not used in the map view. After importing the GPX into Locus, the icons are used.
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